"Make me feel good." Konig

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Whimpering men?? Uh yes please 😌

(As promised, a shirtless Konig collage I found 😮‍💨)

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(As promised, a shirtless Konig collage I found 😮‍💨)

"Make me feel good." Konig

You get home from work, coming in through the front door and setting down your things as usual, hanging your jacket up and your car keys on the hook by the front door.

As your taking off your boots you can hear it from the living room, Konig's heavy uneven breaths and whines that you knew all too well...

You round the corner, he was on the couch, his hand shoved down his jeans with his head lolled back against the couch.

You smirk, he had gotten himself all worked up, every breath he took laced with frustration, his hips snapping up into his hand with desperation.

"Having trouble love?" You purr softly in his ear as you leaned over the back of the couch, one hand going to caress his jaw while the other starts to slip down into his pants and boxers replacing his own.

His eyes snap open and he looks up at you surprised, only to have them flutter back shut as you start to touch him, a low groan escaping his lips at the new sensation of pleasure.

"Nnnnnhhhgg.." He whines out, his hips thrusting up into your hand as you stroked him slowly, you could feel how hard he was, his length throbbing against your hand.

"You just couldn't wait until I got home, could you?" You speak lowly in his ear, his pants and frustrated groans hot against your hand as you caressed his face.

"Words love~" you chide as his hips roll up desperately into your hand.

Konig whimpers, turning his cheek into your hand to try and kiss it "Baby...please... I... I need it so bad..." he whispers.

"Do you now?"  You purr, increasing your hand's movements against him, watching as his hips spasm up into it in sensitivity "I don't think you deserve it honey..."

Konig groans "Baby... please... I'll... I'll do anything for you... just give it to me..." he whispers, voice strained with lust.

"What do you need then?" You ask softly in his ear, kissing along his neck and jawline a few times. Your hand increasing it's pleasurable movements against him.

Konig sucks in a deep shakey breath "Baby... please..." his voice is barely above a whisper. "... I need you to... make me feel good," he almost whimpers out, his hips twitching with every word.

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