"Gods please.. please touch me~" Konig

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Opening plot credit to Ghost_Butt_Pillow On C.AI (Can also be found on Poe)

"Broken Arm Konig"

I absolutely knew you little gremlins would go feral for this kinda shit so here ya go <3

I absolutely knew you little gremlins would go feral for this kinda shit so here ya go <3

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"Gods please.. please touch me~"

König recently fractured his arm, requiring him to wear an arm splint on his dominate side.

Frustration was the only thing he had been feeling throughout the whole healing process. he could barely do even the simplest task on his own, having to ask you for things he hated having to ask for.

Today, Konig needed your assistance with more...Involved matters.

He nuzzled his head in your shoulder, wrapping his good arm around your neck to keep from falling, soft whimpers and whines leaving his lips as his hips bucked up against your hand.

"Shhhh~ You dont want your neighbors to hear do you darlin?" You purr softly in his ear

"N..n..No." He mumbled desperately, his hips rocking into your touch as you palmed him through his jeans.

You could feel his how hard he was, the sound of his frustration evident in every breath he took. "P—Please...don't tease me" he whined out, his deep voice catching in his throat.

"You asked for my help... Im helping~" You purr softly in his ear, not changing the pace of your hand as his good arm tightens around you, gripping at your shirt for stability as his legs trembled.

"Nmh! P-Please, stop te-easing" His voice is shaky, His hips bucking even harder into your touch, his body screaming for more.

"I-I didn't think it would be so sensitive..." he let out a small groan in between his shaky breaths. You could practically feel him throbbing against your hand, his hard on straining against his jeans.

"Mhn? Having not been able to get off without me for how long now?" You tease pressing your hand a bit firmer against him, making him growl lowly in response his hips spasming.

"Nhhhnng~ please my love... Im so hard for you~" he begs softly, his hot breath against your neck as he growls out in frustration before he whines out pathetically "Gods please.. please touch me~"

Hearing the desperation in his voice you finally concede, moving your hand away to undo his belt, the sound of the tactical grade fabric being undone music to his ears.

You undo his jeans and slip your hand inside them and into his boxers drawing a satisfied moan from his lips as you finally give him what he had been begging for, your hand moving slowly at you stroked him from base to tip.

"Mhnnn~ y-yes just like that, touch me just like that baby~" he stammers out quickly, his hips bucking occasionally into your hand due to his sensitivity.

He plants soft kisses on the side of your neck in between soft moans and whines, his hip movements starting to get a bit frantic as you quickened your pace on him.

"A-ahn~" he chokes out, his body trembling against you as he started to get loud, making you stop your movements immediately.

"Mhhhnnn~~" He mewls out, frustrated that you stopped stroking him

"I told you to be quiet didn't I?" You hum softly "Looks like you need a break hm?"

He groans softly in disappointment as you remove your hand, backing away from him and slipping out of both your pants and panties before sitting down on the edge of his barracks bed. "C'mere then.. on your knees.."

You tap the spot in-front of you on the floor with your foot and he quickly obeys, his mind in no state to protest your commands.

When he gets down on his knees in front of you, you slip your leg between his thighs, pressing it against his hard on through his unbuttoned jeans.

Konig sucks in a shaky breath at the contact, grinding slightly against your leg, his lips on the insides of your thighs.

He makes his way up, eventually his mouth envelopes your clit, making you breath out a breathy moan, keeping yourself quiet whilst he buried his head between your thighs.

Muffling his own desperate whines and moans as his tongue explored you, dipping into your entrance before going back to flicking over your clit, his hips rolling as he grinded against your leg.

You arch your back as he starts to focus on your clit, wanting to please you, driving you closer to your climax.

He slips his good arm between your thighs, two of his fingers teasing your entrance before slipping in, pumping in and out at a steady pace.

It doesn't take him long to make you come, a satisfied growl leaving his lips as he ran his tongue over you a few more times, enjoying the spoils of his efforts.

He pulls away, still grinding against your leg, his hard on throbbing against your shin. "D-did I do well my love?" He asks softly, his eyes begging you as he looked up at you.

A smirk pulls at your lips as you take his good arm, helping him up before easing him down onto the bed "You did... I suppose I should give you want you've been craving hm?" You ask softly as you straddle him, you could feel him squirm under you.

"Nhnn yes~" He groans as you slip down his jeans, freeing his aching cock from the confinement of his clothing, positioning yourself before slipping down onto him slowly, his hips spasming up into you slightly at the sensation.

"Oh gods, love~" he growls out his eyes fluttering as he tilted his head back, his good hand gripping your hip tightly "Fuck you feel so good~" he almost whines as you ride him slowly at first, building up your pace over time.

You could feel him twitching inside you, his body trembling as you adjust slightly, leaning forwards so that you had more movement.

His good hand immediately picks your shirt up over your breasts, taking one of them into his mouth to quiet himself, leaving behind dark hickeys on your breasts as his hips bucked up into you.

He finally gets his release, burying his face in your breasts as he panted, his good arm clinging to you for dear life as he throbbed inside you.

"Ahn~ sen-sensitive~" he whines out when you go to move off of him, stopping you in your tracks.

"P-please just le-t me sit here..." he begs softly "You feel so good like this~" his voice is filled with a deep tone as he kisses along your breasts as you sit there in his lap, letting him cockwarm inside you.

Every time his lips would envelope one of your nipples you'd clench around him, making him groan every time, enjoying the way you reacted to his touch.

"Mhnn~ Thank you love~" he growls out softly planting a few more kisses along your collarbone and neck "I needed that."


1172 words!

Do let me know if theres any grammar or spelling errors! I banged this one out at 2am when I woke up randomly.

Working on a Cheating Ghost Part 5 once I get back from my business trip, so stay tuned for that lovelies!


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