"Your My Medicine" Soap

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Heres your long awaited offering you gremlins <3

Heres your long awaited offering you gremlins <3

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"Your My Medicine"

You were busy working on paperwork when a strong pair of arms wrapped around your neck. Resting your free hand over his forearm, you smiled as you heard Soap grumbling softly

He groaned in complaint when you didn't take your eyes off your work and buried his face in your neck.

"My dove, c'mon...Set the pen down and come to bed with me," Soap begged, resting his chin on your shoulder to give you puppy eyes.

You sigh out "John, Ive got to finish this.. Im sorry but you'll have to go to bed without me darling."

You keep on writing, your eyes scanning the paper as you give a quick caress to the side of his face with the other hand.

Soap sighed, disappointed at your response. He laid his head down on your shoulder with a pout. He knew you had work to do, but he really wanted your undivided attention.

"Please baby? It'll only take a minute. I'm not gonna go to bed without you...It'll be lonely." Soap whined.

You sigh out softly "Thats not a convincing argument love. You know I'll end up falling asleep, then I wont have the time to get this finished." Your hand moves to run through his short mohawk softly "I'll be done in an hour or so I promise."

Soap groaned, knowing that he wasn't going to win your favor. He nuzzled against you, burying his face into your shoulder. Soap was persistent on spending time with you, and he wasn't going to settle for any less than being with you now.

"Please? I need to feel you close to me. That's my medicine...You're my medicine," he said, hoping to persuade you with affection-filled words.

"Mhnnn.." You sigh out, he knew how to get to you, His sappy words always pulled at your heart strings. You set down your pen "Your not gonna sway on this are you love?"

"No, baby," Soap whispered, squeezing you tighter. "I need you now, not later. C'mon, let's just ditch this work for the moment. Cuddle with me."

Soap's voice was filled with need and a bit of desperation. He was desperate to have you, needing to feel you against him. It was a way to wind down when Soap was stressed, to be with the one he loved and trust.

You smile in defeat as he pulls your office chair away from your desk "Alright alright.. you win." You concede

Soap grinned broadly at your acquiescence, pleased to have gotten a yes from you.

He stood up, his hands going towards your waist, wanting to hold you close. Soap stood behind you and leaned over you, placing his chin on your head. Soap kisses your neck a few times with a satisfied hum.

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