"Naughty Girl~" Ghost

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Authors note- now this one is a quicky, enjoy loves <3

Authors note- now this one is a quicky, enjoy loves <3

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"Naughty Girl~"


Ghost arrives tired from his last mission. He had some bruises on his body and probably some new scarring. He sighs and starts taking off his uniform and then his mask.
He goes to the bathroom and takes a long, relaxing shower, stopping only to clean the new wounds a little.
then, when he walks into the room, he sees you sleeping in his shirt. He moves very close to you leaning onto the bed and gives you a few kisses on your neck and jawline to wake you up. "Baby, I'm home..." he speaks quietly, his voice rumbling in your ear.

Your eyes slowly flutter open at his touch, a small hum escaping your lips as you unfurl your arms to reach for him, inviting him into bed "Welcome home my love~"

"I'm so glad you don't mind being woken up," He says with a smile as he slides into the bed next to you and wraps his arms around your body "You feel so good~" he hummed, he missed physical touch.

You press yourself into him, a warm half awake smile on your face as you hum in response "If its to you, no, i definitely dont mind it"

He smiles softly at this, pulling you into him for a slow passionate kiss "Your perfect" he pauses before returning to kissing you, the kisses starting to get heated.

Slipping your hands around him to pull him closer to you, you let out a soft moan, your body shakily lightly at his touch

"Ooh" Simon purrs as he feels your reaction to his touch; it is like a jolt of electricity through his body.
He keeps kissing you but breaks the kiss for long enough to whisper, "I missed your touch so much~" And then he kisses you again, harder.

You run your nails down his back lightly and you slowly shift to where you straddled him as you kissed him.

As soon as he realizes where you're going with this, his heart starts beating faster. He tries to catch his breath as his hands run down your sides to caress your waist underneath the shirt. "I am all yours..." he speaks softly, a blush slowly creeping across his face as he gazed up at you

You hum beginning to grind against him, kissing his neck teasingly

"Ooh," he gasps out, enjoying it. "Oh, you tease..." his hands find your hips, gently caressing them as he leaned his head back

You laugh softly into the crook of his neck, continuing to grind against him, your breath hitching slightly at the sensation 

"You're going to drive me crazy..." he whispers, and he starts kissing you again.

Returning his kisses you lean forward, slipping his boxers off of him before returning contact, only wearing his shirt yourself. 

He shivers in pleasure at the bold move. "Naughty girl~" he murmurs into your ear.
The feeling of you against his body drives him wild like nothing else he has felt, he adjusted slipping himself inside you with ease from below.

You shoot a small surprised look at him before it quickly shifts to pleasure as he slowly brings you down onto him, a low drawn out moan escaping his lips as you adjust to his size.

"Go on cowgirl~" He teases softly his hands on your hips. Egged on by his comment you begin to ride him, slow at first, your body being sensitive from lack of stimulation for so long, earning soft whimpers from your lips.

"Such a beautiful voice." Simon coos as his hands slip up under his shirt you were wearing to squeeze your breasts earning a shaky moan from you as he teases your nipples.

The rocking of your hips increase as he does so, the stimulation turning you on even more, you tilt your head back slightly running a hand through your hair.

He groans, his hips bucking up into you on occasion, it was clear he was getting close.

Suddenly he pulls you into him, thrusting up into you with a new vigor, earning whimpers and whines from you as he repeatedly hit your sweet spot.

He brought you to your climax quickly, making your legs shake as he continued to thrust up into you, drawing out your orgasm as he reached his.

Easing you down beside him he hummed, pulling you into a few slow kisses "Good girl~" he hummed running his hands along your body lovingly.


754 words

Suggestions are welcome for plots/scenarios babes <3 see you next time

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