"You can take it Sugar~" Keegan

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I once again bring you a 3 am rough draft story 😌 Enjoy

I once again bring you a 3 am rough draft story 😌 Enjoy

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"You can take it sugar"

You lay in your barracks room, unable to sleep, the clock slowly ticking past the 2am mark.

You gaze up at the ceiling, thoughts wandering to your last encounter with Keegan... that hall closet.. the way his hand covered your mouth as you both lost yourselves within the other.

You shiver at the thought, rolling onto your side to mess around on your phone when theres a knock on the door.

Who could that be? This late at night?

You stand in the darkness of your room, shuffling to the door and opening it just a crack to see who it was.

Keegan stood at your door, wearing grey sweats a t-shirt, he looked frazzled a light sweat on his brow.

"Im sorry for coming by so late Sugar.. but could I come in?" He asks softly, checking the hall as he asks

You nod, opening the door further before closing it behind him once he enters.

"C'mere~" he almost growls as he grabs you by your hips and pulls you to him "I haven't been able to get you off my mind since what happened last week.."

His thumbs brush along your hips "Could we not make that a one time thing? I dont think I can function without having that outlet... you and those..." he trails off for a moment as he gives the curve of your ass a squeeze "Curves.."

You shiver at the touch before humming softly "I dont see why not.. we keep it private though.. you know what'll happen of one of our CO's find out."

Keegan nods eagerly "No problem there Sugar." He hums before slowly pulling you towards your bed, bringing you into a heated kiss.

You both collapse onto it, you on top of him, straddling his lap as you kissed each-other with a vigorous need.

You suck in a sharp breath as he slips his hand into your shorts and he growls out in satisfaction "Fuck, you're soaked.. you've been thinking of me? Haven't you Sugar?" He purrs softly

He uses his other hand to remove your top, leaving you in just your shorts. "Shhhh Darlin'.. let me play with this sexy little body of yours." He growls softly as his fingers continue their movements against your clit, his mouth finding your breasts and leaving small hickeys along them.

You squirm in his lap, smacking a hand over your mouth when he slips two fingers into you suddenly, muffling a loud moan of surprise with your hand.

He chuckles "Someone is sensitive hm?" He teases as he curls his fingers into your g-spot, making your legs tremble.

"K-keegan.." you whine out softly, hips bucking against his hand

"Mhn? Use your words Sugar." He chides in your ear.

You whine at his command, a harsh blush crossing your face ""P-please.. I-I was already worked up before you showed up..." you stammer out, your head spinning with need.

He lets out a small groan "You don't want build up? Are you sure?" He asks looking at you, pulling his fingers out of you making you whine and shiver at the lack of pleasure.

You nod eagerly "Please, I need you.."

He growls "Say no more then."

Your quickly flipped over onto your front, your shorts pulled from your body, you feel Keegan behind you along with the sound of his sweats being pulled quickly from his body.

He presses the head of his dick to your entrance, sucking in a breath "Oh god..." he growls out as he sinks himself into you, making you whine out and press back into him some.

"Fuuuuck yes~" He breathes out as he picks a rather rough pace making you gasp and whine out

"A-aah fu-fuck!" You gasp out as you clutch at the sheets, his thrusts slow yet rough, giving you no time to adjust.

"Shh~" he hisses, reaching with one hand to pull you up against him, keeping his hand firmly over your mouth to keep you quiet, completely changing the angle of his thrusts.

You tremble at the new sensation, eyes fluttering as he brings you to a climax "Oh god, that sensitive Sugar? Im not even giving it my all~" he growls in your ear as he starts to speed up making you whimper and pant into his hand.

"Shh shhh~ You can take it Sugar, Youve taken me before you can do it again baby girl~" he growls as he lets you fall back into the mattress again, both hands going to your hips as he plows into you.

You try to muffle yourself in your pillow but more than likely the whole barracks building could hear you getting your insides rearranged.

Your mind was reeling, the feeling of him repeatedly slamming into you, hitting all the right spots.

He only sends you into more of a spiral when he brings a hand around and rubs your clit with two fingers, making you spasm around him and moan out breathily.

"There you go~ dont hold back, give me all of you baby girl~" he praises, his thrusts getting sloppy as he chases his own release.

You find another climax, left a whimpering mess as he continues to pound into you, finding his own before burying himself deep into you with a growl.

He pulls you up against him as you struggle to catch your breath, trembling in his grasp as he pulses inside you.

His hands run up your sides before cupping your breasts, keeping you against him as he peppered the side of your neck with kisses "Mhn.. yeah.. this cant be a one time thing.."

He hums for a moment, enjoying the feeling of you against him "Expect to see more of me.. yeah?" He speaks softly in your ear.

You can only nod, your heart hammering in your chest as aftershocks tremble through your body. 


Again, this is sort of  a rough draft, I'll more than likely come back and edit this. But, I wanted to give y'all something while I go on a Hiatus for my mental health as my BPD is sending me into a spiral.

Hope all of you lovelies are well <3

Remember, you are loved

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