"That girl means nothing" Cheating Ghost

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Plot Idea Credit goes to Itachis_itchy_balls

This is going to be a sample, if y'all want me to make another chapter let me know!

This is going to be a sample, if y'all want me to make another chapter let me know!

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"That girl means nothing!"

It was a warm Friday night, but yet it felt so cold to you.

Simon still wasn't home. This was the fifth time now. Every Friday night for the past month he claimed he was 'out with the boys' those being MacTavish and Price.

You knew it was a lie when you asked John last week if they were going to be leaving the bar soon. He said he was at home and when you asked if he had been going out for drinks with Simon every Friday he said no.

That and Simon always came home smelling like her. Did he think you were stupid?? You audibly scoffed at the thought.

You had already thrown all your things into the back seat and trunk of your car.

Finally you hear his truck pull up into the drive way.

You had lit a cigarette inside the house, you didn't care. Wasn't your place anyways. Plus, Simon hated the smell of Cigarette smoke, made the petty side of you jump around in glee at the thought of him having to smell the copious amount of cigarette smoke lingering behind for days.

You take a drag just as he walks in, he immediately makes a disgusted face "What in the hell y/n??"

You scoff "I should be asking you that. Where in the hell have you been?"

Simon scoffs back. "Oh, I don't know maybe out having drinks with my friends like I said? Jeez, do you even trust me?" He looks disgusted by the fact that you were smoking. A habit that you had given up when you got together with him.

"Simon, do you think im a fucking idiot??" You ask in an agitated tone, putting out the cigarette.

"What...what are y.." he starts to ask, before falling silent. Simon seems to realise your suspicions.

He suddenly looks ashamed, yet he seems angry when he begins to speak again. "Look...y...you weren't supposed to ever find out. I was gonna tell you I promise."

"Bullshit! This has been going on for weeks!" You throw up your hands "You say your out drinking with John and them but when you come home your reek of the same damn perfume every time!"

"I... I...you weren't meant to know!! I didn't want you to get hurt, I didn't want you to get involved! Look, y...you have to trust me. Trust that I don't want to ever hurt you..."

Simon starts to walk towards you, reaching out to touch you.

You wrench away from him "Don't give me that shit!" Tears were starting to brim at the edge of your vision "You don't just go fucking cheat on your fiancé Simon!"

"She means nothing, I swear!" Simon is approaching you again. "That girl means nothing! She's not important to me!" He looks almost desperate now as he reaches towards your cheek.

You smack his hand away from your face when he reaches to caress you "If she meant nothing you wouldnt have been fucking her for the past month, hell maybe longer." You seethe

"If you cared about me, if you actually loved me? None of this wouldve fucking happened in the first place!"

"Please..please...I'm begging you...don't leave."
Simon is still desperate, but he's starting to realise this might be the end for you two.

"I do love you!...I'll stop seeing her...I'll do anything! I'll be better, I swear! Please!"

He is practically in tears now, begging you not to leave him. He is in panic mode.

You grimace "Once a Cheater. Always a fucking Cheater." You seethe at him. "God I wish I knew this was going happen.. I wouldn't have wasted my damn time."

You turn on your heel, throwing the front door open and getting into your car, the V8 roars to life angrily, as if it felt your pain in that moment. 

Simon is now chasing after you. When you look back at him, he looks utterly heartbroken standing at the front door almost feebily

Simon had never showed this side of him throughout your whole entire relationship until right now when you were leaving. As if he had just realised how much you mean to him, and that he didn't want to lose you.

It hurt. You didnt want to go. You loved this man so much.. so damn much.

You throw the car into reverse and it growls as you pull out of the drive way. You spot the ring on your finger as you put the car into drive, you pull it off your finger and roll down the window, throwing it at him with such force it almost landed at his feet.

"Too fucking late!" You yell before peeling off, the car roars and the tires screech, leaving dark black marks on the pavement, a long lasting mark of your anger and pain he'd have to see till it faded.

The sound of your car fades into the distance, Simon looks down at the ring in the drive, he walks out to it, crouching down and picking it up.

The ring that he had given to you when he proposed... the silver and diamonds glitter in the dim light from the house.

Simon chokes back a sob, putting a hand over his mouth before pressing the ring to his chest.

"What have I done??" He says softly, his voice cracking.


936 words!

As I said before! Testing the waters with this one! If y'all want me to continue let me know! (Our Scottish boy 🧼 may make an appearance if so!)

Till next time lovelies! <3

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