Teaser for "It's Not Real"

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The weak link. Thats all you were. The only female operator within a sea of males.
You were quick and agile yes, but when it came to close combat you were nothing compared to their brute size and strength.

That was your downfall.

Days, weeks. Never ending. You spent your time in Kortak's hands enclosed in darkness, moved every few days so that your team couldn't pinpoint your location.

A bargaining chip.. A toy for them to play with..

Their leverage against the all mighty Ghost.

When you were finally found due to a mistake on Kortak's end you were in shambles. Flinching away from even the slightest of touch from your husband, Ghost. You could barely even leave the barracks on your own without being sent into a panic.

It wasn't safe for you to stay in the service.

Months of therapy, countless bottles of small blue pills, never ending night terrors.

That wasnt the worse part. No, nowhere near.

The slight movements out of the corner of your eye, the faint sounds of footsteps when you were sure you were alone in the house, the creeping feeling someone was watching you.

He still haunted you.

Your memories, your every waking thought, your dreams, every breath you took was laced with his presence.

He was the monster in your mind.

Forever there to stay.

Part 1 is now out!


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