"Take me like the little slut you are~" Keegan

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Authors note: as requested in one of the last Keegan chapters

Authors note: as requested in one of the last Keegan chapters

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"Take me like the little slut you are~"

Having been teasing Keegan all day you couldn't help but smirk as you made your way back to your barracks room, late in the evening. You were coming back from a outing with him and a few other similar ranking soldiers, having teased him so much he almost pulled you off to the side. It was all apart of your games, you liked teasing him, partly because he was never in the position to do anything.

...Or so you thought

As if out of nowhere Keegan appeared behind you, hands on your hips pulling you back against him "Did you think you could get away from me again?" He growls deeply in your ear, hard on pressed firmly against your lower back

A small yelp leaves your lips at the sudden contact, your in the middle of the barracks hallways, any moment someone could see you both. That would be a hard thing to explain. "K-keegan, what are you doing here??" You ask in a hushed voice

"Just letting you know who's in charge here sugar" Keegan purrs in your ear. He runs one hand down your thigh while he uses the other to reach up and cup your breast giving it a firm squeeze even through your bra

"What's the matter? Don't you like it when I'm rough?"

"N-not out here~" You stammer out it coming out all breathy from his touch, making you squirm slightly, trying to resist the urge to grind back against him

He pulls you into a janitors closet and slams the door shut behind you. There's not enough space for both of you to standing comfortably without you practically clinging to him.

He spins you around before pulling you up against him, his hands on your hips, fidgeting with your belt line. "is this better sugar?"

A soft nod is all you give, your hands finding his face and pulling him in for a heated kiss, something you had wanted to do for weeks now.

Keegan smiles softly as your hands cradle his face. His hands work with a purpose, finally managing to unbuckle your belt after a moment. He leans his forehead against yours, letting his breath hitch as he swallows hard.

You smack a hand over your mouth as he slips his hand into your pants, hips bucking into his hand in sensitivity to his touch.

"Mhn.. look at you.. so sensitive.." He grumbles softly, fingers working slowly over you clit, making your legs tremble, your other hand gripping his shirt tightly for support

It was hard to stay quiet, he had gotten you so worked up so quickly that your body screamed for release. For that sweet feeling of ecstasy that only he could give you.

Your breath hitches "P-please." You beg softly, whimpering out a soft sound of pleasure your eyes fluttering.

"Hm? Does my little toy want something?" His tone is cocky "Tsk.. maybe you shouldn't have teased.." he dips his finger into you briefly before pulling away making your body squirm in frustration

"Nnhnnnn..." You whine out but he's quick to turn you around and put a hand over your mouth.

"Hush." His voice is firm, startling you slightly "You dont know how to behave yourself..."

He slips your pants and panties down in one fell swoop "Touching, flirting... teasing me all night long like a little whore." He growls as he spreads your thighs with a knee

"Did you think id keep playing your game sugar? Keep letting you play your cat and mouse?"

He chuckles as he undoes his belt "about time I showed you what bad girls get? Dont I?"

He presses his length against your pussy, groaning out softly as he does so, grinding against you. "Fuck~ look at you, so pathetic, absolutely soaked..."

He guides himself in slowly, enjoying the way your body twitched and spasmed in his grasp. "Look at you~ you take me so well~"

Your eyes flutter madly, panting against his hand, you wanted him to move so badly. You needed to feel him..

You press back into him desperately earning a swift smack to the ass from him "Ah, ah... no. None of that, im in control here. I will tease you as much as I damn well please baby girl." He growls

Hands going to your hips "Your job is to stay quiet and take me like the little slut you are? Do you understand me?"

You nod, his firm tone only turning you on further.

It takes everything in you to not moan out as he starts to move, picking a rough pace with a growl.

"Ahh fuck yes~ Ive been wanting to feel you like this for so long." He growls in your ear

You slip your hand back over your mouth, whimpering and panting into it in an attempt to be quiet.

You feel him shift pulling you back against with him yo bend you over further, hitting a new spot that made your mind reel.

"There you are~ now be a good girl and cum all over me." He growls, slipping a hand to circle your clit as he speeds up, slamming into you relentlessly

"Im gonna fill you so deep that you'll be feeling me dripping down your thighs for weeks." He growls in your ear, sending you over the edge.

You legs tremble madly and you have you hold your breath to not scream out in pleasure, feeling him follow your orgasm shortly after, burying himself inside you with a grunt.

He stays like that for a moment, enjoying the way you twitched around him, your body trembling as his hands rubbed up and down your sides softly.

When he's caught his breath he slowly pulls out, making you shudder slightly at the sensation.

He fixes himself back up before helping you do the same. "Tease me again and I'll deny your orgasm for so long that you're left a trembling and begging mess underneath me. Understand?"


1013 words

Brought to you by a very hungover writer on Sunday at 3:30am ✌️

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