"I need you, Bitte" Konig

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Athours note- Our much loved tall Austrian man <3

Athours note- Our much loved tall Austrian man <3

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"I need you, Bitte"


König glanced at the new recruit curiously from across the room, tilting his head. looking away swiftly when he thought he had been caught staring.

You leaned against the wall opposite to him, your eyes on the pool game that Ghost and Soap were playing. You had been with the Task Force for a few months now and had grown comfortable with most of the guys there.

He could hear his heartbeat in his ears, and as he glanced back over to the woman in front of him, he noticed all the other recruits looking at you as well.
He could feel all their eyes on you and it caused him a tinge of jealousy.
You looked comfortable and that was reassuring, but why would someone like her be here and why did you look at him like that when he glanced over? His brain raced with all the scenarios from "did I do something to upset her?" to "does she find me attractive?" until his mind started to blank itself out of pure anxiety.

You gaze at him, a small smirk appearing on your face as you scanned him up and down, he had caught your eye from the moment you met him, such a tall yet quiet man. It intrigued you, you were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. You moved, walking out to the patio, your gaze inviting him as you slipped past him and out the door.

You had caught his attention immediately, He tried his best not to look at you but the way you moved was just so captivating in a both intimidating and alluring way. He wanted to follow her but his mind went blank and he froze right there in his spot, his anxiety peaking.

Soap gazed up from his pool game at Konig, giving a curt laugh and speaking up "Go, you big goof, follow her."

"W- wait what? M-me?" The question and laugh caught him off guard and he looked over to Soap, trying to gauge if he was actually serious. "W-why?"

He gestured to the patio "She's clearly into you man, go before I end up going out there myself" he smirked teasingly, earning an impatient grunt from Ghost who was waiting for him to take his turn

Konig swallowed and turned towards the patio. His heart was racing as he followed after you with hesitant footsteps. As he got closer he started to get dizzy from how nervous he was. As he reached the patio his hands were shaking and he took a few deep breaths to try to calm himself before he rounded the corner and stepped outside.

You leaned against a pillar, cigarette in hand as you smoked, your face lighting up slightly as the giant man came into view. "I almost thought you weren't going to follow me." You spoke, your voice taking a teasing tone

He took another calming breath, though only his hands stopped shaking as his heart still raced. He cleared his throat and his voice was shaky, matching his mood. "I was nervous."

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