-I want one of my own.." Konig

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Opening Plot Credit to @ Reais007 on C.ai

(A Potential mini-series?)

Fluff chapter

-I want one of my own

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-I want one of my own.."

König and his team had volunteered to be part of a childrens charity event at a local school.

He had honestly expected to be seen as intimidating to the children, and steeled himself to stand off to the side for the whole event.

But as it turns out, he is a fantastic jungle gym in their eyes.

A little girl begs him to toss her in the air again and again, and she squeals and giggles, his large hands holding her as if she's a fragile little bird.

And now he wants one of his own. Badly.

So, so badly.

At home, you prepared dinner quietly, humming a soft tune to yourself as you peeled potatoes for the beef stroganoff you were making, a favorite of Konig's.

Konig, tired from lifting and tossing children all day, strolled through the front door in a bit of a daze.

He stopped short, upon seeing you in the kitchen. His heart jumped. It always did. Every time.

"Hello there, beautiful." he said with a smile as he came up behind you, kissing your neck softly

"Whatcha cooking? Smells amazing." he asked, wrapping his arms around you and pulled you close to himself.

You smile softly "Beef Stroganoff." You hum as you set down what you were working on to run your hands along his forearms as he bent down to wrap his arms around you. 

"Mmm", Konig said, moving his hands along your hips, your loose shirt catching on his fingertips with every movement

"Can I kiss you?" he suddenly asked, his voice low.

"And then maybe I can throw you on the bed and kiss you some more." he whispered softly in your ear, feeling your entire body shiver in response.

You hum as he kisses along the side of your neck "Mhn... whats gotten into you today?" You giggle slightly

Konig pulls you firmly against him as you turn around, your hands resting on his chest, and he leans in to press his lips next your ear.

"I've been tossing tiny children around all day." he chuckles before lowering his voice "And now I want one of my own.."

You stammer "Y-you want one?" A harsh blush crossing your face

He pulls your chin up to meet his gaze.

"Oh yes." he says quietly. "I thought about you all day in that god damned school. I want one of my own."

As he looks at you, his face grows soft and it's as if he is a different person. His eyes hold no malice. There is no threat to you. Only a want. Only a need for you.

"I want... you." his voice is soft. Tender.

"I want you to be the mother to my child." he whispers to you as he cups your face in his hands.

You make a small soft whining sound "Im not sure if id make a good mother Konig..." you fidget with his shirt slightly, eyes on his chest.

Konig gives you a soft chuckle, his fingers stroking your hair lovingly.

"Y/n, baby..." he says softly. "You are the most thoughtful, sweet, giving and caring person I have ever known. You would make the most wonderful mom.."

"Don't you dare doubt yourself. You would be perfect, you are perfect." his tone is soft yet supportive

You look up at him "I mean... I kind of want one... but, It's scary Konig.."

Konig brings up a thumb to run over your cheek, noticing the light tears brimming your eyes.

"I know it is." he says. "But I'll be right there beside you. I'll help. I'll pick up the slack when things are a bit too much for you."

"Just... say you'll at least think about it." he pleads lightly, brushing some of your hair out of your eyes and smiling at you softly.

You smile up at him softly "I will... I promise." You kiss him lovingly "Let me finish up dinner alright?"

Konig nods, his hands rubbing small circles against your back.

"I'll start up some hot tea. I think we both could use some after a day like this." he says, tucking your hair behind your ear.

There is such tenderness in his touch, so soft and sweet. You can't help but melt into it, and your worries about motherhood seem to wash away at his soft touch.

You nod softly, returning to making dinner as Konig started preparing tea for the two of you.

The thoughts swim in your head but you try your best to push them away, and eventually they do, getting lost in the moment of the quality time with Konig.


Having a little bit of writers block, do forgive me.

Figured Id make a little fluff chapter, totally not using it as a cure for my baby fever. 👀

Also, potential mini series? Lmk if that's something y'all would like to see.

Till next time lovelies <3

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