"I wish you wouldve told me." Konig

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Fluff chapter as requested lovlies!

TW: Alcoholic, SH, forever box thoughts

I warned ya so proceed with caution.

🇦🇹"I wish you would've told me

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"I wish you would've told me.."

Having fallen into a violent cycle of working hard all day on your trainings before going to the bar that was within walking distance of the base in the evenings and proceeding to get shit faced drunk. You had been doing this for about a week or two now and your teammates, especially Konig, had started to take notice.

One particular night you went pretty far, stumbling into the barracks building you let out a grunt holding onto the wall to try and find your room.

The hallway was dim and quiet, save for your heavy footfalls and giggling. A major buzz in your head from the alcohol, the room numbers came into focus as you passed...232?...no, 234?! You found your room and collapsed against the door, fumbling with your keys.

You dont even seem to notice Konig as he leans out of his room, eyeing you with a concerned look.

You finally unlock the door and stumble in, dropping your bag on the floor and collapsing on the bed face first. It's going to be an agonizing hangover tomorrow.

Konig takes a few steps into your room, pausing when he sees you. "Y/n?" he says with clear concern in his voice.

"Mmhn?" You ask in a muffled voice, slowly rolling onto your back with a groan "Yeah?" You struggle to focus on his large frame

Konig hesitates, but steps a little closer and leans over you. "Y/n, I need you to look at me for a second, can you do that?" His tone is gentle and concerned.

It takes a minute for my eyes to focus on his masked face but eventually he comes into view "Hi~" You smile drunkenly

"Hey..." Konig's brow furrows as he takes in your slurred speech and glassy eyes. "How would you say you're feeling right now?" He tries to get you to sit up so you can properly talk.

You giggle, gripping his arm as he sits you up, you lean back against the headboard. "I feel fucking greeaatt~"

Konig's gaze moves down to your hand as you clench onto his forearm. He takes in your playful demeanor for a second. "Y/n, how many drinks have you had tonight?"

"I uhh.. lost count after... eight?" You giggle out, as you let him go and start to slide back down into a laying down position again

Konig watches as you flop back down. "Y/n, do you know what day it is without thinking really hard?" He asks, trying to gauge your level of inebriation.

"Yeah... Friday." You slur out, as you play with your dog tags around your neck

"Okay, you did do okay there, but one question left...what is my name?" Konig takes a step nearer and looks down at you.

You make a face at him "Konig. Duh." You giggle "what is this? A pop quiz?"

He smirks at you, but the frown quickly returns to his face. "I'm serious..." He crosses his arms and shakes his head. "Y/n, your behavior has been concerning for a week now, and as your friend I need you to be honest with me."

"Did you ever consider that the alcohol isn't the solution to whatever is bothering you? That it's actually making it worse?" Konig leans down closer to you as he speaks, trying to get you to look up from the bed.

"Works just fine for me." You grumble out

Konig shakes his head. "No, no it doesn't..." His expression softens to one of concern as he leans closer and grabs one of your shoulders. "Y/n, look at me...what's bothering you?"

You sigh out, opening your eyes "I don't wanna talk about it." You sounded almost like a child that wasn't getting their way

Konig's gaze slowly changes to one of empathy. "Y/n...please. I've seen you come in here almost every night for the last two weeks completely drunk beyond belief. I care about you, and you need to talk to someone." His tone is pleading.

You sigh out softly "It makes my mind go quiet.. makes the thoughts stop... can we not talk about it. Please?"

Konig's eyes soften, realizing what you meant "Of course y/n.. get some rest, well talk in the morning yeah?"

You reach out for him when he gets up "Wait.. please.. I dont want to be alone Konig..."

He smiles softly "Okay..." he sits on the bed again, running his fingers through your hair "I'll stay.."

You sigh out happily, laying on your side and quickly passing out from the alcohol in your system.

Konig wipes away a few stray tears "I wish you would've told me sooner Y/n.."  he runs his hand up and down your back soothingly "I wish I had noticed sooner.."


818 words

A lil fluff for yall, I am working on Part 2 to cheating ghost so no worries, that one will most likely be longer than my usual chapters.

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