1- Working For The Night

415 14 105




---- Friday 8:12 PM ----

"Well, this is the right floor!" The brunette mumbled under his breath, checking his phone to ensure the address he got was correct. Stepping out the elevator to the hall, he observed the décor; the monochromatic greys of the ceiling matching the dull atmosphere surrounding him. Everything industrial, with no personality sunken into anything.

Will sighed, oddly something he was expecting when he came here today; his job was hard to explain, it was only something he could do at night; and no... it isn't what you think...

Approaching door 504, the brunette checked his phone again; taking a deep breath clutching the handles of his backpack. He rang the doorbell; hearing murmur and shuffling from the other side. The door hastily opened a crack, revealing a slightly older gentleman; probably in his mid-forties with a bright smile on his face.

"Mr Braxton?" The brunette questioned, observing the man's features; oddly attractive but age settling in; a few grey hairs in his neatly combed hair and stubble, with a few wrinkles around his lips.

"You must be Will!" Mr Braxton opened the door fully, allowing the boy to enter.

The small boy ventured in, scanning the apartment; plain! The white walls paired with the wooden floors exuded the same aura as an Ikea set up, sure; visually it was stunning but not somewhere lived in.

Mr Braxton closed the door behind him nervously and silently. It was evident he was trying to be as quiet as possible, standing before the small boy with authority, "Thank you for coming!" He extended a hand for the brunette, exchanging a formal greeting.

"I'm glad to be here Mr Braxton!" Will politely accepted, shaking the hand attentively presenting himself in the best way possible.

"Oh, call me Eric! I like to keep it casual!" He demanded, throwing his arms into the air, "Shall we?" his arm outstretched directing to the living room.

"Okay... Eric!" The brunette nodded, showing no emotion. Will wondered over as the man followed behind, a bright grin on his face.

Will sat down but remembered the task at hand, he only had one chance... Well, he actually had many, but he'd rather get this over quickly. Now at this point, it may seem confusing; Didn't Will come here to complete a job? But nothing to be worried about, that was still the case, the small boy did come here for some work... Let's just say this is 'work experience'; learning about corrupt and vile people, but with unethical practises; getting to the root of the problems and... extinguishing it.

"Would you like something to drink?" Eric spoke cutting him out his thoughts

The brunette noticed, shaking his head, "Just water please!"

"Oh, come on!" Mr Braxton turned to face him, "Let's have some whiskey! Let loose! Have some fun!"

"I'm just 16!" Will lied, he was actually 21... so why did he lie? It's simple. It's the reason he was here today. The brunette had been hearing through the grapevine of a private tutor; one with bad intentions and finally tracked him down. The man only tutors' students under a certain age: high schoolers. That in itself is not a heinous thing... What if that age range was his specialty? He could just be a high school teacher just wanting to impart wisdom on his students.

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