25- A Song Just For You

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---- Next day: Sunday 3:43 PM ----

As the next day rolled around, the ravenette decided to change his strategy a bit; in the time Will had been unconscious, Mike did tons of research about comas and their causes; how long they last, and most importantly how to help someone. In all his research, the notion of singing and playing perfect melodies was one repeatedly arose. Perfect! He knew all of Will's favourite songs, but also knew the mere comforting voice of those close can stimulate the brain. And so, considering the ravenette was a self-proclaimed musician, it would be easy for him to play the songs he needed to; essentially killing two birds with one stone.

He felt a sense of fear and uncertainty as he carried his guitar on his back, determination seeping out his every pore as he made his way to the brunette's room, ready to pour out his very soul into his music and reach out to his unconscious partner, merely in effort to allow the small boy familiarity and comfort to wake up peacefully.

Taking a seat by Will's side, Mike hesitated; he didn't know if this plan would even work. He was so confident on the way here, what changed in the few minutes he entered the room? It couldn't be stage fright; he would play gigs often... in the back of his mind, he realised the real problem; he was scared; scared that he would mess up and not bring the comfort his boyfriend so desperately needed.

He needed to do this, remembering the heartfelt words written on the card and letter from yesterday filled him with determination. Mike allowed his fingers to hover over the strings, placing them down and strumming the familiar chords; his voice gentle, filled with pure emotion as he sung softly. The lyrics of 'Every Breath You Take' spreading with an enchanting melody, carrying all his love and longing.

The lyrics flowed from the ravenette's lips, Mike's voice echoed through the walls with a mix of tenderness and compassion. Each word held profound meaning, conveying his unwavering depth of love. The melody reminding Mike of their shared memories.

With every strum of the guitar, the notes played; his voice harmonising with the music building to the bridge of the song, hoping the music would somehow reach the crevasse of Will's unconscious mind, attempting to connect the emotional gap between them.

With a mixture of all the feelings he felt in the past few months, he poured his very soul as the last few chords faded, the bittersweet silence settling in the room. Mike looked at his boyfriend, gently placing his guitar to one side. He hoped for a reaction, a sight twitch of a hand, a small blink or something to know he was heard.

Reaching out, he grabbed the brunette's hand, whispering softly, "I still love you... and I'll always be here for you. Just like you've been there for me!"

With patience, the ravenette continued to be by Will's side, playing songs, sharing stories and whispering words of encouragement. He knew that one day Will would wake up so they could continue their life together.

---- One month later: 10:28 AM ----

Days turned into weeks and weeks into another month as Mike returned to Will's room every day, guitar in hand; the ravenette would sing a new song for the brunette, serenading him with a different melody each and every day. Each melody was carefully chosen, with lyrics reflecting deep emotions and thoughts.

He sang songs of love and resilience; from heartfelt ballads to upbeat tunes; all with Mike poring his heart into each song. His voice echoed through the sterile hospital walls, filling the room with a comforting presence. The melodies danced in the air, embracing Will's unconscious body, as if urging him to awaken.

Time continued to pass around him; life moved on. Nurses passing always paused for a moment, captivated by the pure emotion in Mike's voice. Other patients always caught snippets of the songs also finding a comforting solace in the melodies that filled the halls.

Over a month had passed since Mike read the brunette's letter; he continued to sing with hope and bliss. He believed the power of music would heal. Today, he was going to sing the song he wrote specifically for Will; the lyrics would be a testament to their love and unbreakable bond, strumming the song, producing a melody.

As the last note reverberated around him, a silence hung heavy in the air. Placing the guitar to the side he softly smiled, reaching over to hold the brunette's hand; he wished he could feel something from his boyfriend as he sighed deep.

But then, suddenly, a sudden jolt disturbed the peacefulness. Will's monitors started beeping rapidly; his heart rate decreasing to under half the normal beats, and his oxygen levels decreasing faster than Mike thought possible, indicating a full-scale emergency. The ravenette shuffled in his seat standing up, moving his hands to Will's shoulders slightly shaking him. "Will! Will! Wake up!" he repeated.

"WILL PLEASE WAKE UP!" He shouted, trying to get through to the small boy. Pressing the button on the wall for the doctors waiting for them to rush into the room. His hands swayed to the brunette's fingers wrapping both hands around Will's thumb.

"Please wake up Teacup! Please!" he begged; his voice quiet.

Time seemed to slow down as the medical team swiftly took action. Amidst the chaos, Mike backed away, pushed back by the doctors and nurses. Frozen in fear, his heart pounded in his chest. The doctors performed CPR on the brunette. Desperately trying to bring Will back to a stable condition.

The world around the ravenette started to spin; the alerting beeps and loud oxygen compressions exploding into a cacophony. An eternity passed by Mike's eyes; his eyes kept fixated on Will, his gaze mixed with a combination of anxiety and nausea. He prayed silently; hoping one way or another the brunette would be saved.

The medical team performed CPR on Will, their movements precise and determined. The room filled with a sound of urgent commands and rhythmic compression of lungs; their efforts shown.

Just then, he heard something; something he hadn't heard in a long time, a sharp breath from the brunette. His eyes fluttering open and the colour returning to his cheeks... his chest rising and falling without assistance of the doctors. The beeping monitors beginning to stabilise; the alarms subsiding. The room held itself in anticipation.

Mike's eyes welled up... Will was awake. 


1120 Words

I know the chapter is a tiny bit cringe... But tbh cringy moments are always the cutest

Stay Safe <3

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