26- Encore

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The brunette felt his eyes flutter open; the unexplainable cacophony of beeping monitors and blinking lights overloaded his senses. He remained laying down, his eyes darting around the room seeing sterile white walls and doctors surrounding him. He tried to gather his thoughts and make sense of his surroundings, but his mind felt foggy and disoriented; not helped by his overwhelming sense of weakness.

As the doctors backed away from the small boy, they exchanged glances not expecting the miracle that essentially occurred before their very eyes. With tears streaming down his face, Mike rushed over to Will's side; his voice trembling with emotion. "You're awake..." he whispered, not believing his own words, "Are you okay? How do you feel?" his voice concerned, leaning close taking Will's hand

The brunette tried to respond, but no words escaped his lips. He furrowed his brows in frustration attempting to try again but... nothing. Panic started to swell up, realising he couldn't communicate audibly to his boyfriend. His heart rate increased; the monitor reflecting this change.

Seeing his distress, Mike gently squeezed Will's hand, placing the other on his head to stroke his hair lightly with a comforting smile, "It's okay Teacup. Don't worry!" he advised, "You've been through a lot, and it might take some time for your voice to return, we'll figure it out together!"

The brunette nodded, grateful for his boyfriend's reassurance and understanding. He closed his eyes again focusing on his breathing. He didn't want to drastically alter his resting heart-rate or livelihood; he just woke out of the coma, and he certainly didn't want to get back in. The frustration lingered, knowing he was unable to express himself while his boyfriend was right there offering all the support he could; it weighed heavy on him.

---- One Month later: 6:32 PM ----

As days turned into weeks, Will's vocal abilities slowly returned. He would merely whimper a few sounds at this point, but he showed considerable improvement. Mike knew how to understand his boyfriend throughout his recovery, encouraging him and offering unwavering support.

In a matter of a month the brunette was allowed to go back home... well, to his apartment; his mother urged Will to return home even for a small while, but he refused. In his eyes he had already missed a large chunk of the year and didn't want to lose anymore.

And besides staying at the apartment meant he could spend time with his beloved boyfriend. Mike would ask about Will's health, his progress and just generally about his day; it was like a breath of fresh air compared to the sterile hospital. At this stage though, Will responded with gestures, nods and bright smiles whenever necessary; he was sure his voice would return to his body one day.

Mike stayed close, giving the brunette the needed space to communicate at his own pace. He would hold his hand, offer gentle touches and provide comfort in any way he could; even if he couldn't hear an answer from his boyfriend, they would get through this together; it was more than enough.

As the brunette continued to recover his lost voice, his friends Robin, Steve and Erica would come and visit him in his apartment daily. Since he couldn't come to Scoops Ahoy, they decided to come to him; taking time out of their own day to visit him. Every time, they would enter with bags full of food and drink. At first Erica was quiet whenever she came over but slowly started to be more like her old self; from Robin, he gathered the information that the youthful girl had been feeling guilty about the small boy being in a coma. But through a lot of confusing and hilarious interactions between the younger pair, he managed to get through to Erica and make her understand that she was not at fault for the injury; the only person to blame was Billy! And Billy was now gone.

Today his friends arrived with his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he watched them bustling around; he wished he could join the conversation as they explained to him funny moments the brunette missed. Thy insured to include the small boy into every conversation, never leaving him out or treating him any different. They would eagerly ask questions even if the response would be a mere nod or whimper.

As the hours passed, the room filled with an aroma of food, laughter and the warmth of their kindness, it was a reminder of their bond.

When Robin, Steve and Erica left, they exchanged a short hug with the small boy, checking his condition each time; ever since the 'event' they would hug him, worried it might be the last. The brunette always enjoyed their hugs; it was sad to see them go.

But as the front door closed, Will reflected in the visit, renewing his determination and grit to continue. Despite the challenges he faced, he knew everything would be fine eventually.

Mike came up behind the small boy grabbing his hand, leading him to the bedroom. The curiosity evident in his eyes as he gently squeezed the brunette's hand to the couch sitting down. "I know I've asked if you've had any dreams in your coma but... I was scared to ask if you could hear anything!"

The brunette shook his head, a small whimper escaping his lips; he couldn't remember a lot from his coma; he would have his own dreams and thoughts... but oddly, he remembered a lot of music in his dreams, although the words were never clear, but evident someone was singing.

The ravenette frowned, his face scrunched; he was always scared to hear that answer as it meant that Will couldn't hear him during the coma; he didn't hear his declarations of love, or the songs he sung. He understood it was a common thing as he sighed deep; some people remembered everything outside of them during a coma while others cannot.

Determined, the ravenette smiled; if Will was unable to hear his declaration of love... he would just do it again. Mike stood from the couch, walking over to his bedroom were the guitar remained in its resting place. The brunette scrunched his face, furrowing his brows and following the ravenette with his eyes as he disappeared into another room.

Within a few seconds, Mike returned; his fingers finding its familiar place on the strings. With a soft smile, he stood in front of the couch strumming a melody, pouring his heart and soul into the custom song he had composed for the brunette; the same he sung in the hospital. The chords resonated through the room, creating a soothing atmosphere.

As the ravenette sang, his voice remained tender; the lyrics foretelling the events of the past. He expressed his loving and longing; sure, it wouldn't top any billboard charts, but the song captured the essence of their relationship together; the unspoken feelings and their blossoming romance.

Will listened intently; hearing every word with a bright grin on his face. Softly, he clapped along with the song, bobbing his head to the music. It filled his heart with pure ecstasy. He wished he could scream how much he loved Mike despite the inability to speak. He felt the music penetrate his soul, understanding the depth of the ravenette's feelings.

As the song came to an end, a brief silence kicked in. The notes of the guitar still swimming in the air. Will's gaze met Mike's, shimmering with tears of appreciation; unable to express his gratitude, the small boy jumped off the couch pulling Mike into a warm hug; holding him tight.

The brunette whimpered as best he could attempting to articulate words. Mike stood frozen as a clumsy grin spread across his face, wrapping his hands around Will's waist. "It's only because I love you Teacup!" Mike softly chuckled, placing a hand on Will's hair, ruffling it.

Staying in each other's embrace for a while, they basked in their love. It reminded them of their strength, as well as all the past journeys they have been through. Knowing they could face any obstacles together.

Will whimpered, his voice quiet, "I love you so much!" his voice soft; slightly croaky. It was the words he had been longing to say. It was the first words he had uttered in almost a year... 


1416 Words

This story will be coming to an end in a few chapters

Stay Safe <3

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