15- James The Joker

101 7 53

TW- Mentions of Abuse


---- Next day: Sunday 9:53 AM ----

As the sun rose for a new day, Will and Erica found themselves deep in thought, contemplating their next move. The events of the prior day still weighed heavy on their minds as the pair sat around the dining table surrounded with loose pieces of paper littering the floor; knowing that the battle was still far!

The brunette took a deep breath, breaking the void, "Erica..." his voice in a whisper as he prepared himself for what he was about to say next. The whole night, despite thinking of plans to get revenge, he also spent poised to write on neat pieces of paper, folding them into envelopes; writing names on each of them.

"Yeah?" She tilted her head, her voice strained from her lack of sleep.

"After what happened with Billy yesterday and... in the past- I'm worried it might not work out for me this time." Will mumbled

Erica's eyes softened, understanding the gravity of Will's words. "What do you mean Will?"

The brunette neatly aligned the stack of letters on the table, "I wrote letters for my loved ones... Just in case something bad happens to me, I want them to know how much they mean to me and how grateful I am for them!" the vulnerability and uncertainty etched onto his face as he slowly placed them in a random shoebox he had found around the house; carefully sliding the lid on top, "I want you to give them if... if Billy wins."

"We won't let him!" The youthful girl said firm, "We're in this together, and we'll do everything we can to keep you safe! We all will!" she promised, her expression serious.

"I know..." The brunette softly mumbled, "I just wanted to prepare for a worst-case scenario!" The small boy sighed as he continued, "If something happens to me.. I want you to hand these out!"

Erica reached a comforting hand on Will's shoulder, "It's a beautiful gesture... but we won't let him win!" she gently smiled promising to fulfil his request as she took the box placing it by her side.

"Thank you but can you not tell Robin or Steve about them?" the brunette asked

"Hmm? Why not?" The youthful girl replied with her own question.

"They will get all worried and stuff, you know how they are..." Will admitted

"Okay... I promise!" she nodded.

As the minutes passed, they mapped their next steps, considering every new angle and potential outcome. The weight of responsibility didn't deter them; instead, it fuelled them. In that moment they felt solace in the purpose; they knew what they were fighting for.

A few seconds passed as Steve and Robin stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing their sleepy eyes. They joined at the kitchen table; their curiosity piqued by the conversation that happened last night, trying to help but accidentally falling asleep around midnight.

"Alright" The blue-eyed girl yawned and stretched, "What's our plan of action?"

Will glanced at Erica, his attention then shifting to the older pair. "I want Billy to suffer just how I did... I'm going after anyone who hurt me or Richie."

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