16- Angela The Apathetic

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As the brunette sat in the car, his eyes looked out the window bewildered over what James said moments earlier. His eyes on the road; he didn't know if he wanted to cry or not, he was exhausted, breathing deep as the frustration and annoyance lingered. He ached; his heart hurt as one of his childhood friends treated him that way...

But Will softly smacked his cheeks; it was all in the past, so he decided not to dwell on it for any longer. With a deep sigh he turned around to face his friends; "So have we found anything new about Billy?"

"Yeah but... are you okay Will?" Erica questioned; her voice soft.

"Yeah, yeah of course!" The brunette smiled, touched by his friend's compassion. "So what is it?"

Robin cleared her throat leaning over the passenger seat as she spoke up, "So, I did some digging and apparently I found out he's dating some girl from your old High School class!"

"Oh... really?" The small boy pondered.

"Her name is Angela Anderson!" The blue-eyed girl chirped.

"Oh..." Will fidgeted with his fingers. Memories of his past experiences of High School flashed by his mind; despite having a horrible boyfriend, he also had to deal with Angela's constant bullying. A wave of sadness washed over him, but he couldn't let his emotions get the best of him at this time.

Robin's voice broke through his thoughts; a glimmering beaker of hope, "Do you think we should ask her about Billy? I could go?" she offered knowing the small boy wasn't in a good mood.

"No!" Will objected, "I'll go! I know her and I could also warn her!" hoping that if he confronted her, her demeanour would change, and she wouldn't have to go through what he did while he was dating Billy.

Steve, who was sitting behind the wheel glanced at Will through the rearview mirror, "Are you sure about this Will? If you have difficulty, we coul-"

"Nope! I'm sure!" the brunette cut off, "I want to!"

And with their collective agreement, they adjusted their route and made their way to Angela's house. Will's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He knew that confronting her wouldn't be easy, but it was a necessary step toward closure and preventing another victim from Billy's cruelty.

As they arrived at the Anderson residence, The brunette felt his palms sweaty; confronting a childhood bully was never easy. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for future events for what lay ahead. He exited the car, closing the door behind him; Erica wished him good luck showing a thumbs up as Will jokingly rolled his eyes, a small smile as he made his way to the house approaching the front door. He sighed raising his hand as he knocked; his heart pounding in his chest.

A few moments passed as the door opened revealing Angela, surprise evident on her face, "Will? What are you doing here?" She asked, a hint of curiosity on her face.

The small boy looked her up and down. Even if she was 'bitchy' during high school, he couldn't let her just go along with the relationship; he was doing something he wish someone had told him before he dated Billy. "Umm I need to talk to you!"

"Ughh! Go on!" she snapped.

"Can I at least come in?" The brunette whispered.

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