2- Curfew?

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---- 11:36 PM ----

A few hours later and Will finally emerged from the apartment with a completely different set of clothes. After what he just did... he decided to treat himself. Grabbing a few snacks from Eric's kitchen before leaving. A little treat to accompany his achievement; this was a great day indeed! Closing the front door of room 504 behind him; he stood outside in the hall.

He took a bite of a doughnut that he stole, making his way back to the elevator. Checking the time to see it was almost midnight; ordinarily people would be terrified to go out this late at night considering all the unfortunate tragedies taking place in this city recently; muggings, assault, and home break-ins, but most importantly murders that have been on the rise. Although Will was the contributing factor to two of them; murder and house break-ins.

Hearing the soft melody of the elevator music, Will couldn't help but close his eyes, humming back; a bit of serenity before he would be thrusted back to his chaotic life. His life was in no way exciting... Okay, that's a bit of an understatement, but at its core he was merely just a university student.... the only thing setting him apart was his 'side-quests' as he would call them; his need for vengeance.


The brunette's eyes opened, taking a soft sigh. His emotions unclear as he stepped into the empty hallway; the greys continuing to be the DeFacto colour scheme; boring as ever. With a soft push, the small boy opened the apartment complex door with his left hand, while the other filled with a doughnut; the jam spilling over his hand. As the moon casted an eerie glow on the streets, the florescent streetlamps accompanied him. He took a bite of his snack; his mission made him particularly peckish; relishing in its sweetness.

Noticing flashing headlights a few meters away from the building, a sigh of relief washed over recognising the secret code. The boy approached the car entering it; the jam staining his hoodie. As he closed the door to the back seat, a girl with blue eyes turned to face him, "Great job Will!" she grinned, exchanging a fist bump.

This was Robin Buckley. A witty and intelligent girl who's never afraid to speak her mind; with a unique and unusual way of speaking that would leave her firmly imprinted in anyone's brain, she had a strange way of making people around her feel safe and comfortable. This was actually how he met Robin; they just randomly started conversation when he went to the ice cream shop where she was working.

As time passed, they quickly found common interest in adventure and uncovering secrets, but also most of all, their hatred of the police and the law in general, and so together decided to take measures into their own hands... they were THE partners in crime.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Don't get blood all over my car!" The boy in the driver's seat turned around throwing tissues over the headrest.

"It's not blood Dingus!" Will rolled his eyes playfully, "It's strawberry jam!"

"Well, that's worse... at least the blood isn't sticky!" The funky boy added throwing his hands into the air.

This was Steve Harrington; Robin's best friend. The pair being friends since they started working together and having been inseparable ever since; one was never seen without the other. From a glance one may assume they were dating, but that couldn't be further from the truth. As although Steve is Bisexual, Robin is very much a lesbian.

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