9- I Want Justice

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---- Thursday 3:10 PM ----

The brunette took a deep breath walking around the hospital. He needed to take a few busses to get here as it was quite far from his dormitory.

Trailing the halls, the determination coursed through his veins allowing his anxiety to skyrocket as the sterile smell and the cold, impersonal atmosphere surrounded him. But sucked it up as today was different, this was the weekly trip he always made to visit his dear best friend.

Clutching the flowers in his hands, he scanned the pale walls; he hated being here. Every time he had been in a hospital, it never felt inviting to him. A few years ago, he would constantly be in and out of hospital. His mind drifted to his past; the memories filled with fear, uncertainty and the heaviness of his own emotions threatening to show.

But he shook his head as today his heart felt light as despite the bleak circumstances, he had the opportunity to be there for his friend.

Reaching the right wing of the hospital he located the room. Outside the door, he took a deep breath, clutching the flowers close to his chest. Turning the handle to the door, he hesitated, seeing a silhouette in the room; he couldn't exactly make out the face, but he knew the hair and general demeanour as his good friend Eddie Kaspbrak. They had been close, but slightly drifted after Richie being placed here. Eddie never blamed Will for what happened to Richie, but it just happened as they moved to different schools.

The brunette didn't want to disturb their alone time, deciding to find a seat nearby to wait patiently. His leg bobbed up and down; anxiety from the surrounding areas filling him. He lowered his head, not to make eye contact with any passing nurses or doctors.

"Will?" A voice called

The brunette looked up, "Oh hey Eddie!"

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while!" The neat boy grinned ear-to-ear taking a seat beside him.

"Yeah crazy, right?" Will smiled, nervously scratching the back of his neck still feeling guilty for everything.

"So, how's Hawkins college?" Eddie asked, genuinely curious.

"It's good... I guess" the brunette mumbled, "How's veterinary school?"

"It's the same as always... it's like normal nursing school but with cute pets!" The neat boy enthusiastically replied

"Well, I'm glad you like what you're doing!" Will grinned.

Suddenly Eddie changed the trajectory of the conversation, almost as if he was burning to ask this question, "Are you still getting revenge?"

Will was taken off guard by this comment, "I- how did you-"

"The news..." The neat boy cut off.

"It's not revenge... its justice!" Will whined

"But is it really?" Eddie asked

"It is... I'm sure of it!" The brunette avoided eye contact.

"Will..." Eddie's voice was soft, his words hinted urgency, "You need to stop this... it's not good for any of us! Not for you, not for me and not for Richie!"

Siren; Byler✔️Where stories live. Discover now