12- Two Slow Dancers

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---- A year later: Friday 6:53 PM ----

As the next few months rolled around, the pair approached their first year together. Mike had something special planned for the evening; it was a surprise filled with romance, although the brunette had known about it for a while. The ravenette was never the best at keeping secrets, but Will decided not to tell him; it would destroy the pleasant night and honestly, it was easier for Mike to think he had tricked Will with the surprise.

So as the sun set, Will was banished to his bedroom; the ravenette had told him to stay inside as he 'got rid of bugs'. The small boy knew it was just a ploy so he could set up the living room; Mike even got help from his friends as they came to set up the place; Dustin and El helped cook, while Lucas, Max and Erica placed decorations. Steve and Robin were also there... but it was clear they were just goofing off. They had all gone home by now.

A few minutes later, Will looked down at his watch; he actually enjoyed the solace that came from his alone time. He was able to collect his thoughts and have time for art; something he was unable to do with his pursuit for justice. He still meets the 'Scoops Troops' regularly, but now their conversations were less tense; Will promised one day he would return to help the cause of justice with his friends but... he wasn't so sure he wanted to anymore; knowing there were other ways to let justice prevail. He shook his head as that was a thought for another time, hearing repeated knocking from the door as Mike poked his head in, "Hey!"

Walking into the room, he grabbed the brunette's hand off the bed, "Close your eyes..." he softly demanded. Will obliged, following the taller boy's lead; although he was prepared for the surprise, he didn't know what awaits him on the other side.

Mike led the brunette into their cozy living room, a mischievous smile on his face as he marvelled at his own work. Taking a deep breath, he spoke, "You can open your eyes now..."

The small boy rubbed his eyes opening them, gasping in delight at the sight before him. The room adorned with twinkling fairy lights, casting a soft glow that illuminated the space. A beautifully set table stood in the centre, adorned with candles and a bouquet of his favourite flowers.

The ravenette anxiously stepped to the side, nervousness filling as he awaited a reaction, "Do you like it?" stretching his words while fidgeting his fingers.

"I- I love it!" Will's heart swelled with joy as he looked around, overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness, "This is amazing, You- you didn't need to do all this!" he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

The ravenette pulled Will into an embrace, "I wanted to make everything special for you!" he whispered, his eyes gleaming with affection. "Happy one year anniversary Teacup!" Letting go with a small smile.

Taking their seats at the table, Mike revealed the culinary masterpiece he had prepared. The tantalising aroma filling the air as they exchanged playful banter, savouring the delicious meal ahead of them. As they sat together, immersed in the romantic atmosphere of the apartment, the brunette gazed into his boyfriend's eyes, his heart overflowing with affection.

"You know, Mike?" Will began, his voice filled with tenderness, "We've made it through a whole year! I guess we're just too good at relationships!"

The ravenette's eyes twinkled with amusement as he leaned back in his chair, playing along, "Oh absolutely! We should probably start giving out relationship advice."

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