7- Poor Me...

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---- Wednesday 9:32 PM ----

After a successful mission on Sunday, the group felt cocky, feeling as though they could conquer anything in the world.

They were happier than ever, hoping that today's target would be just as easy as it was on Sunday. Although sadly, today's plan wouldn't consist of any murder... Unless absolutely called for.

Today, they would simply teach someone a lesson that is less lethal... Hopefully. They didn't always kill, and they weren't barbarians. They were normal everyday people who just contribute to the betterment of society.

Today's target was a special case; it was something they never had to deal with before. There was a homeless person who lurks the town hall and surrounding areas: a young man; possibly in his twenties. He waits patiently on the floor begging, but oddly only in the warmer months; at first it had people wondering what is going on with the man, but after a few suspicious inconsistencies and some eyewitness testimonies, they learnt the truth.

The man was pretending to be poor to take advantage of people's sympathy. They couldn't let this continue any longer, he couldn't deceive people and get away with it. Determined to expose his lies, they decided to confront him.

They gathered in the drive of a fairly expensive looking house; a short drive away from Hawkins. The younger pair wanted to take on the task. Erica wanted to be the one to go with the brunette as she had a personal vendetta with the man; hearing that he would catcall women as they walked pass, shouting obscenities if they didn't reciprocate his advances.

"Are you sure this is it?" Steve looked sceptical. He wasn't so sure of this whole conspiracy, and neither was Robin.

"We're sure!" The youthful girl replied quickly, clearly very passionate about this scheme; unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Okay! Just make sure it's the same guy and not like his twin or something!" The funky boy continued.

"We're not idiots!" Will chuckled, "We can tell people apart!"

"If you say so..." The blue-eyed girl joked, stretching her words.

Erica, always an outspoken soul answered, "Of course, and if he's guilty, we'll teach him the consequences!" before swinging the car door open and slipping out through the back seat. Robin and Steve exchanged a glance; they weren't sure whether this was the same man as the one from town hall, but they trusted the younger pairs' judgment, watching them from afar encase anything happens.

As Erica and Will approached the grand house, they passed a large yard; their determination grew. The brunette glanced at the youthful girl, reassuring her with a nod. They knew confronting the man wouldn't be an easy task, but they knew it was necessary. Taking a deep breath, they stood ahead of the front door. The brunette raised a hand carefully ringing the doorbell, both of their postures straightened as they adjusted their tone to appear sincere and understanding; their plan to create a façade to allow entry into the house.

After a few short moments the door still remained closed. Erica rolled her eyes reaching over repeatedly pressing the doorbell until incoherent babbling was heard from inside accompanied by grumbles and a loud shout.

Suddenly the door swung open, revealing the same disgruntled man who would litter the town hall; it was clear he wasn't the most inviting, but they need to get in one way or another.

Siren; Byler✔️Where stories live. Discover now