19- Troy The Tactless

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Hearing the door gently close behind him, he sighed, the frown returning as he muttered, "What did I do wrong?"

The brunette slumped outside the apartment building making his way to the car park. In an instant he noticed the familiar maroon car approaching it. The warmth of the sunlight provided a small glimmer of hope. Will and Mike fell in love in October; that's why he loves Fall (Okay I'll stop), but right now the leaves that fell from the trees were the only thing from falling apart.

The brunette always found solace in the company of his friends; it was truly the only constant he's ever had since he moved to this estranged town for college. When he was young, he would have never dreamed of leaving for college... but after the things Billy had done, he couldn't bear to be in the same town as his past; passing the same grey uninviting walls, like a harrowing prison for him.

The group greeted the small boy as he slipped into the car. They could sense a heaviness that lingered in his usual upbeat spirit. They all tried to make him feel better; they shared laughter, stories and silly anecdotes about one another, their light-heartedness filling the brunette with courage for his next task... dealing with Billy's Lawyer; Troy Walsh.

In the aftermath of what happened to Richie, Will was given court mandated therapy sessions due to him being a witness to the crime committed, and it was a gruesome one to be sure. The courts never seemed to incarcerate Billy as there was a 'lack of evidence'. The brunette hated the whole policing and judiciary system since then; all his details were revealed to the public... everyone knew the whole details of the crime in their small town.

He was outed to whoever viewed the trial; it was absolutely mortifying. A barely 18-year-old boy in a small town being gay was seen as barbaric to the residents. The worst thing was... That was the first time even his mother was hearing about his coming out. He wanted that to be an intimate and close experience he wanted to share with his mother when he was ready, and it was stripped away from him; he could never get another chance to retell her. But luckily, she was accepting; she never saw him any differently and neither did Johnathan who had known since Will was about 14. And yet neither were aware of his relationship with Billy as the muscular man threatened the brunette to keep it a secret.

Suddenly the car stopped outside a house; had they already reached? Will shook his head, opening the car door as he and Erica slipped out the back, both taking a collective sigh. Quickly Robin spoke, "We will be here, trying to steal any information from him!" The blue-eyed girl smiled, pulling out a laptop from his briefcase. "Remember to stall long enough, but don't raise any suspicion!"

"We know that!" The youthful girl chuckled rolling her eyes, walking away from the car with a prep in her step.

But before the brunette could turn, Robin tugged on his jumper, her eyes filled with concern. "Hey Will, are you doing okay? She asked, her voice gentle.

"Yeah! You seem kinda distant today Byers?" Steve added, his voice matching Robin's concern; at this point they were basically the same person. "You know you could stay in the car and I could go in your place!" the funky boy offered, although detesting murder.

"I bet you can't even shoot a gun!" Will's smile wavered for a moment from the words, "I'm fine guys! I just had a little bit of a rough patch with Mike... that's all!"

The pair nodded satisfied with the answer, "You know we are here for you right? We can give you advice and stuff" Steve offered, understanding washing his face.

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