14- I Need Revenge

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TW- Mentions of abuse, assault.



---- 8:42 PM ----

After a few hours the brunette finally calmed down, by now even Erica rushed over to Steve and Robin's house. The entire time consisted of exchanged glances as Will collapsed onto the couch, his body's water supply drained from all the tears that left his eyes. The compassion of his friends' consoling him merely by being there, was a testament to their close-knit bond.

Through shaky breaths, Will managed to explain everything to his friends; expanding on his encounter with Billy: the hurtful words, the crude comments; it all came pouring out, stumbling on his own tongue as the weight laid heavy on his shoulders. His voice trembled with anger and sadness.

"Wait!" The youthful girl chirped raising a hand to the air, "Who's Billy?" the confusion and concern evident on her face. The trio looked at her, they had forgotten that no one had divulged into Will's past for a while; it was a closed book the brunette no longer wanted to open, but in this case, he wanted to tell Erica: she was a close friend and confident.

The brunette took a deep breath, collecting himself before speaking, "Billy..." He paused, unsure if he could go through with it. But Robin and Steve's comforting presence, as well as Erica's innate ability to make him feel better allowed him to continue. "Billy is my Ex-Boyfriend!"

"I knew him for a while, and he asked me out on my 18th birthday... I honestly just think he was waiting for me to be legal before he asked me!" The small boy sighed, "It was amazing at first, but then... I started to notice things- weird oddities about him!"

He continued seeing the youthful girl nod, "He was manipulative and controlling. He made me feel small and undeserving of love... and when I bumped into him at the hospital, it all came flooding back." Will explained, his voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

Erica said nothing, her expression changing from confusion to empathy as she listened intently. She couldn't fathom the pain Will had endured, but she was determined to be there for him any way she could, allowing him a safe space to vent.

As the brunette began explaining, everything spilt out; even things he had never told Steve or Robin. He opened up about his toxic relationship dynamic with Billy, explaining his vulnerability and the detrimental impact it had on his self-esteem.

"He used to belittle me!" The small boy mentioned, his voice laced with anguish. "He would constantly criticise my appearance, my interests and even my dreams; it was like it brought him pleasure in a sick and twisted way..."

The words hung heavy in the air, filled with the memories of the past. Erica listened attentively, her heart aching for her friend with every passing word.

"It wasn't just emotional abuse..." Will whispered, "He would plan dates that made me uncomfortable. He would make suggestive comments, trying to pressure me to do things I wasn't ready for yet, and when I would tell him... he would get violent and hurt me..."

The trio listening felt their blood boil; it was something the older pair knew of, but they would still get angry each time they reheard the story; it was absolutely barbaric.

Will's voice quivered as he retold the most devastating part of the story, "And it's not just how he treated me... Billy is the reason Richie is in his coma!"

"What the fuck?" Erica's eyes widened, essentially bulging out her sockets.

"A few weeks after I finished high school, Billy wanted me to sleep with him and obviously I declined; I barely turned 18 and I was in no way comfortable..." The brunette fidgeted with his fingers, "I actually wanted to break up with him and so when I brought it up... he-he stabbed me!"

"He did what?" The youthful girl whispered in disbelief

Slightly lifting his polo shirt, the brunette exposed his lower abdomen, revealing a large, faded stitch stretching across his stomach before quickly concealing it. He hated looking at his body in the mirror; it was as if he was branded to Billy and no matter how much he moves on, there would always be a burning reminder. The trio all had different states of shock; he had never shown his scar to anyone before.

"After that I got a restraining order, everything was alright for a while..." Will paused for a moment to compose himself again, "But one night, when I was having a sleepover with Richie- he-he snuck in through my window and started suffocating me with a pillow, yelling how I 'should have just been submissive' and 'allowed him to do what he wanted'. Richie hit him over the head with something, but Billy started to attack him instead."

The brunette felt on the verge of tears again, his throat burning as he attempted to speak, "I swear I tried to help Richie, I tried soo much! No matter how much I pleaded or tried to protect him, Billy just continued attacking him, telling me it was 'my punishment'!"

"He then... just left, leaving Richie bloody and barely breathing! I blame myself for getting involved with Billy in the first place; I was so fucking stupid!" Tears welled up in the brunette's eyes as Erica listened to his heartbreaking revelations, reaching a comforting hand and placing it atop of his, her support evident in her wavering voice as the older pair softly rubbed his back.

"I'm so sorry, Will." The youthful girl whispered, her voice filled with empathy but casted anger toward Billy, "No one should have to endure that, and what happened to Richie is not your fault!"

The brunette merely nodded; honestly not so sure he believed it. No matter how many people told him it wasn't his fault... he didn't believe it! He couldn't forgive himself; not until he was able to exterminate the problem, "I couldn't save Richie from Billy then... But I want to save whoever I can in the future!"

Will took a big sigh, all eyes casted to him, "I want to kill him!"

"I need revenge..." 


1036 Words

Double upload <3

Stay Safe <3

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