27- Reunion

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---- The next day: 12:43 PM ----

The warm summer months allowed the pair to reach their favourite hangout spot; Scoops Ahoy. A safe and easy option; not to mention it also had romantic significance being the space for their first date and all. But today, the reason for coming here was different; they wouldn't be having a typical romantic date; no, today Will was to surprise his friends with his ability to speak. After being in a coma for the better part of 7 months and having no voice for a month, it would be a nice surprise.

As Mike and Will entered the ice-cream parlour, the soft melody of music played in the air. Walking to the counter, the floor remained empty today: it meant they would get their ice-creams quickly. The sweet aroma of waffle cones and brownie batter wafted in the air, the boyfriends engulfed in the sweet smell.

As they approached the counter, Robin stood tall, her bored expression morphing to a bright smile as she saw the pair, "Hey guys! What can I get you today?" eagerly awaiting the ravenette for an answer.

Suddenly the brunette took a deep breath, exchanging a mischievous grin with his boyfriend as he spoke, "Can we have-"

"Wait, what?" The blue-eyed girl gasped aloud, her eyes widening as she covered her mouth, "You can talk again?" seeing him nod, she gasped again screaming, "STEVE! ERICA!" alerting her friends from the back room.

In an instant, they both rushed over, "What happened?" the funky boy questioned, gripping his ice-cream scooper, ready to pounce at any danger; worried for his best-friend's safety.

"Will has something shocking!" was all the blue-eyed girl said.

"Will, what?" Steve looked between the two, confusion etched onto his face. "Is everything okay Will? Did something happen?" he asked, even though he knew he would hear no words in reply.

"I'm doing good thanks!" The brunette smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye; capturing the attention of his friends. Steve's jaw hit the floor; Erica blinked, purely amazed and confused by the sudden ability to speak.

After a moment of stunned silence, the trio retained composure. Robin exclaimed, "I told you it was shocking!"

The funky boy joined in, a mix of excitement and disbelief, "No way Byers! This is incredible!" running pass the counter Steve exchanged a big hug with the small boy; like a mother hearing good news from their child. A surge of pride and happiness ran through him. The smile on his face never leaving.

Erica stood behind, her face still shocked; just as happy, "I can't believe I'm saying this but... I've missed your voice!"

Will grinned, the look on his friends' faces made sure the whole ordeal was worth it; all the hard work and progress paid off in the end.

Mike, who had silently been observing his boyfriend, couldn't help but smile; appreciating the small boy's resilience through this entire time. The ravenette had watched all the progression with his own eyes, aware of all the obstacles along the way... although now, he had other thoughts on his brain. Throughout Will's recovery, he couldn't stop thinking about the murders Will allegedly committed. He really wanted to get to the reason why, and to the bottom of it; he did some research about the victims, but still had his own questions. He decided to let Will have his fun for now...

Siren; Byler✔️Where stories live. Discover now