18- Precious Love

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Hearing the front door slam, the ravenette sat up on the couch; the solitude of the apartment surrounded him. His thoughts spun in his head, threatening to consume him. He replayed the moment when Will confessed his love; the surprise and vulnerability still etched onto his feeble mind. Mike berated himself for the lack of response; he froze, he didn't want to but he could not articulate any words.

With a heavy heart Mike walked to his bedroom, pulling out the project he was completing last night; writing. Yesterday the book was full of pages, but by now at least half of it had been ripped out. Picking up a pen, he jumped on his bed; determined to put his feelings into words. He allowed his pen to flow, creating a puddle onto the page, attempting to capture the depth of his emotions to convey the love he felt for Will. But with every attempt, his annoyance amplified, feeling his confession being inadequate; the words didn't express the way he truly felt.

He was torn between frustration and the desire to make things right; as they were. He tore a paper crumpling it as it rolled to the floor. He couldn't help but feel like an utter fool, knowing he missed on the precious opportunity to tell Will how much he cared.

He pressed a hand to his head, visualising his boyfriend in his mind, reflecting on his features and with hope to articulate what he wanted. The silence echoed in the room, his own thoughts to keep him company; he vowed not to move until he was able to write down his feelings.

He needed to break down his barriers and be able to tell the truth, or more accurately have the capabilities too... he was just scared of everything that might happen. It played on his mind, but his own feelings jumped out at him like they always did.

He sighed, tearing out the pages one-by-one, and throwing the book to the bed. "Why can't I just say it! I love you Will! I love you!" he screamed, energetically standing up. "I love you so much I'm scared to say it!" with a pout, the tall boy slumped back to his seating position.

Taking a small breath, the ravenette placed the headphones in his ears; the song playing was 'Every Breath You Take", The song Mike coined as 'their song'. Every time he heard the lyrics and beautiful melody, it made him feel as though he was still dancing with Will on the night of their anniversary. But it was also the song that Steve played for them on their first date. A soft smile placed on his face as he thought about it.

With renewed determination, the ravenette flipped to the next page, placing the pen to the paper. It created a small puddle allowing it to flow as he tried again. He knew speaking his feelings were not working... so how about a song to convey the depth of his love. He moved his hand, pouring his very heart and soul into the lyrics, hoping this time the words would carry the weight of his feelings.

As the ink flowed across the page, the tall boy expressed his love, his regrets and promises. Each word a testament of his affection, carrying a piece of his soul with every letter. And when he was finished writing, he smiled, rereading over and over again; ensuring the words were correct and his feelings sincere.

He aimed to practise the lyrics, reciting it out to his beloved once he arrived home later. In that moment, amidst the discarded papers and crumpled attempts. The ravenette held hope that his love for Will would find their way onto his tongue and guitar, healing the mistakes from yesterday.

He kissed the letter, removing his headphones. Surprisingly, he heard rapid thumping from the front door; Had Will come back early? Or had he forgotten his keys? The tall boy looked down at his watch, about an hour had passed, "Jeez!" He whispered, not realising the time that had passed by him in the depth of his turmoil.

The thumps continued; Mike jumped off his bed walking over to the door; slowly opening it. From the other side he saw a muscular man with piercing blue eyes and a blonde messy mullet, the ravenette took a deep breath, "... Hi?" 


748 Words

I made a Spotify playlist for the book!


Stay Safe <3

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