8- Scarf

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---- 10:49 PM ----

Erica grabbed a box of matches from the kitchen as the brunette grabbed any flammable items he could. Wondering into the garage, he picked up a jerry-can stomping back to the living room, dousing it over Neil. This wasn't what they planned when they came here today; they didn't mean to kill him, but if the man recovered and told the police what happened? They surely wouldn't be let off so easily.

Upon looking at what they had done, they exchanged a little nod. The youthful girl struck a match, tossing it before promptly exiting the house and closing the door on the way out, because they weren't hooligans; they always close front doors.

The pair retreated back to the car; Erica carefully guided Will helping him into the backseat. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm the both of them. Even though the small boy said he was fine, the youthful girl couldn't be too safe; she needed to make sure Will arrived home. Luckily, she lived opposite Will; even though they went to the same college, they lived in different dormitories. Will lived in the boy's dormitory while Erica lived in the girls'.

"What's going on? Why are you so panicked?" Robin asked, her voice laced with concern.

Erica struggled to find the right words. "We need to go!"

"What? Why?" Steve turned around in his seat, but from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the small glow from the house, "What the Hell?"

Immediately the two in the back screamed, "DRIVE!"

The funky boy did as told. He asked no questions realising they couldn't waste time. The more they dawdle, the faster they would be connected to the murder and arson... at least that was another activity the brunette can add to his list of 'crimes'.

Steve pressed his foot on the gas pedal accelerating away from the scene hearing the tires screaching against the paved roads, mirroring their racing thoughts.

The silence in the car was palpable broken only by Robin, concern evident in her tone, "So what happened in there?" She asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the pair.

The brunette took a deep breath, his voice quivering as he retold the confrontation, placing a hand to cover his neck, "I asked him about him lying... and he got violent."

"Violent?" The blue-eyed girl's eyes widened, the words practically falling out her mouth.

"Yeah! That's when Erica stepped in!" Will replied hastily.

"And I'd do it again!" The youthful girl smirked, "He freaking strangled him!" Erica explained, throwing her hands in the air.

"Strangled?" Robin's eyes widened seeing the young pair nod, "We need to get some help!" she said, her voice full of concern.

Will managed a weak smile, grateful for his friends' support, "I appreciate it, but it's fine... And besides... I need to get flowers!"

His gaze met Erica's, seeing the confusion written on her face. "Flowers? Now?" She remarked, "Are you sure that's the best thing to do?"

"It's not like it's the first time I've been strangled..." He mumbled, remembering his past with a small frown. Robin knew about Will's past and so did Steve; they knew not to ask questions as it was something he didn't like talking about... he said he moved past it, but they weren't too sure.

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