6- Am-Erica-n Heroes

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---- Sunday 10:24 PM ----

As the next day rolled around, it was time for the heist! Will, Robin, Steve and Erica watched the house from a fair distance sitting in the funky boy's car. Today they were ready to commit the best murder they have ever planned; This couple needed to be stopped one way or another.

Their tracing had finally been put to good use as the blue-eyed girl relished in her achievement; this heist was a long time coming. Even if they only had a short time to prepare practically, they knew everything about their target; including their fears and dislikes, so... the group took extra attention to that.

Tonight, was the night... The night they break in!

In the dark of night, the group huddled close reassuring one another, reiterating the plan. Speaking barely above a whisper, they coached Erica as she would be the first to venture into the house; being the only one small enough to navigate the vents. Robin pulled out the map, outlining the path to ensure the clear understanding of the layout.

"Remember Erica!" Will whispered, "When you reach the breaker room, you'll have access to the cameras, lights and locks!"

The youthful girl nodded, her determination reaching its precipice; her eyes shimmering, "Got it!" she punched a fist to the air, "I'll make sure the security cameras won't be a problem!"

With their final instructions given, Erica, Robin and Will left the car.

"Keep in contact!" Steve urged, shaking a SuperCom-radio in the air. He was worried and promised to keep an eye out, being the getaway driver.

The trio nodded, carefully walking down the streets in the cover of darkness. Robin led the way, her eyes filled with determination with a bright smirk on her face. Erica by her side, excited to take part in the heist; doing her own research on the nefarious couple so she knew about her targets and the way to quickly climb through vents: she was terrified, but it was something she wanted to do.

Will however, lagged behind. Thoughts raced in his head; perhaps it was because he was shaken up by yesterday's police encounter, or the fact Mike confessed to him. But what could he do for either of them? He couldn't tell the police the truth, and he couldn't accept Mike's feelings in fear of his past repeating...

"Will'?" The blue-eyed girl, noticing his slow pace, called, "Is everything okay? Don't be nervous!" she reassured, wanting no doubt in any of their minds, or the whole operation could go down-hill.

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine!" The brunette slightly smacked his cheeks, breathing deep until he was able to continue. Together, they reached the gates of the manor. First the younger pair hoisted Robin over the fence, using their hands to allow her to gain enough leverage to pull herself to the other side. Out the blue-eyed girl's bag she pulled out a device, inserting it into the keypad from the inside; after a few quick seconds, the gates creaked open, allowing the pair to slip through.

Using the flashlights, they navigated the courtyard to the entrance they had scouted yesterday. Robin spent the entire night figuring out the fastest route to the breaker rooms; she was prepared. This heist was her pride and joy.

Upon reaching the vent opening, the brunette shone his flashlight into the cracks between the gaps and unscrewed the bolts securing it to the wall.

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