21- Billy The Ex-Boyfriend

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In a matter of minutes, the pair approached the Brimhorn abandoned warehouse; they needed to defeat Billy. The screech of the tires' burned against the floor; without a word they jumped out the car. Their eyes scanned the area for potential dangers. The abandoned warehouse loomed ahead, a dark and foreboding structure that remained frozen in time; one resident only to the miscreant rats.

The tension hung heavy in the air; Will's breath hitched. To say he was terrified was an understatement. The sound of the rustling leaves filled the air, the only sign of life in these desolate woodlands. The brunette felt his heart pound, the weight of the situation pressing on his soul.

The pair exchanged a short nod, walking to the eerie silence of the warehouse; its broken windows and rusty metal doors only adding to the ambience; it ran goosebumps across their arms; their hairs standing on edge. The entrance door was ajar, taunting them to enter.

As they cautiously stepped inside, the concrete floor tapped under their footsteps, unleashing a tight echo. Every shadow, and every corner held a deep secret; a threat lurking to pounce at any moment filling the pair with fear.

"Stay close!" Will whispered, his voice barely audible. Erica nodded; her expression matching his.

The deeper they ventured, the more their eyes adapted to the dim lights, Erica tapped his shoulder, "Over there!" she pointed at the door with light illuminating from underneath. Will took a deep breath, removing Troy's gun from his bag as he passed a knife to the youthful girl. Their hearts raced as they walked toward the door; unknowing what behold them on the other side.

As the door creaked open; a smile creeped on their face as the secluded room held both Robin and Steve bound together; no injuries visible on their bodies. Will and Erica sighed a collective sigh of relief.

The older pair seemed disorientated and weakened, "Guys wake up!" the brunette spoke with a playful smile, a calming aura washing over despite the dire situation.

Robin slurred, a silly look plastered on her face. "HEYY GUYS! I went to sleep!" she slightly yelled with a cheerful expression as though the situation was not affecting her, "I'm hungry!" she continued,

Will quickly went to work, carefully untying the ropes that bound Robin and Steve; hearing the funky boy spout all sorts of nonsense in his direction: everything from the moon landing to intergalactic puppies. Without a shadow of a doubt, they were drugged. The brunette felt a mix of anticipation but also relief.

"I want popcorn! Can we get popcorn?" The blue-eyed girl questioned. "With cheeeeese"

"Is she drunk?" The youthful girl whispered,

"Well, he's no better!" Will remarked pointing at Steve

"I saw a purple octopus!" The funky boy waved at his own shadow

"Sure you did..." Erica mumbled, saying anything to get him out the room.

"We need to get them outta here!" The brunette ordered

"What about Mike?" Erica asked

"Mike is up da stairs!" Steve giggled bursting into the conversation.

Siren; Byler✔️Where stories live. Discover now