24- Swing-Set

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Tears welled in the ravenette's eyes as he tried not to let the droplets flow; he knew he had to be strong. He needed to be the voice of reason in this whole situation. He saw everyone become a wreck in these trying times; those closest to Will; his brother, mother, Steve and Robin and even Erica all became distant and distraught especially in the direct aftermath.

He breathed deep calming himself. Neatly, he folded the paper placing it in its comforting slip; its resting place. Making his way to his apartment, he didn't dawdle, just wanted to get to his room and do something to distract himself; he didn't care what it was.

Reaching the front door, he walked in; despite the months that had passed the ravenette still hadn't replaced the broken table. He told himself he would fix it, but he never did, merely moving it to one side.

Feeling a mix of trapped emotions from the heartfelt letter, Mike couldn't help but be curious about the surprise his boyfriend had for him; the ravenette's birthday was already 2 months ago but the fact Will had made something with his own two hands made his heart flutter; he always marvelled at how creative and thoughtful his boyfriend was.

With a sense of anticipation and lingering sadness, he walked into Will's room where the gift awaited; the room remaining untouched since the day Will had left six months ago; the ravenette never had the heart to move anything or clean up in hope the brunette would awake so they could go back to how it was.

The air was still, the room feeling familiar yet distant; frozen in the past with memories, reminding Mike of the laughter, joy and pain they shared in the room; he glanced around, searching for the gift left for him. His eyes fell upon a beautifully wrapped package tucked away in the closet. Carefully, Mike picked it up, feeling the weight in his hands.

With bated breath, he unwrapped the gift revealing a painting carefully hidden under layers of decorative paper and tape. It was a painting of a swing set; its colours vibrant and full of life. Thought put into every brush stroke.

He held the canvas in his lap tracing the delicate lines of the painting; closing his eyes as he knew when and what this swing set represented, the first time they met...

---- Flashback: 3 years ago; Thursday 7:32 PM ----

It was his first day at college, when he was still moving boxes into his dorm-room; he arrived a few days late during freshman week but didn't think much of it. As he waved goodbye to his family, he realised he now had to unpack some of his remaining clothes and place them in the closet. Sitting down on the floor ready to begin his organisation, he overheard muffled sounds of someone crying coming from his neighbouring room. He hadn't met his roommate yet; honestly, he just thought his roommate was out, but to find out he was in his room the whole time was... concerning.

Concerned, he shuffled closer to the shared wall, trying to make out the words,

"...I know I keep bothering you, and I'm sorry!" He heard the boy's shaky voice filled with sadness through the walls, talking to someone.

"I know I said I'm ready for college! BUT I'M NOT!" the boy shouted in a tantrum through tears, "I don't wanna be here anymore! I hate college and I WANNA COME HOME!"

Mike felt empathetic to his roommate; even if they didn't know each other, they would be living together for a while, and it was obvious whoever the boy was needed a comforting presence at this moment in time.

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