10- Sweet Tooth

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The kiss was soft and tender; different to what Will had received in the past, filled with longing and release. It was a culmination of months of repressed emotions and breaking free from his past... or so he hoped. The brunette poured his whole heart into the kiss, hoping he could try love again.

As their lips parted, they found themselves gazing into each other's eyes: a mix of surprise and glee. The room suspended in time, almost as though it was holding its breath for the pair; the moment captured as a picturesque moment.

A small smile tugged on Mike's lips, his expression bright; if he was able to say anything he would. He was shocked, surprised by what just happened.

"Mike? I... I need to be honest with you!" Will began, his voice filled with vulnerability, "When you confessed to me the other day; I was scared... I had this really bad boyfriend a few years back, and I didn't want that to happen again!" He said as much as he could without going into detail of his ex, or the other reason he couldn't accept...

"I- I didn't know! I'm so sorry- if I knew I-" The tall boy listened intently; his eyes filled with understanding and concern.

"I think... I want this!" The brunette cut off, his voice gaining strength, "I want to give us a chance... when I was in the hospital, I met my friend, and he reminded me of all my hopes and dreams for college and... I- I still want that!"

"I understand your fears, and I appreciate your honesty," The ravenette replied, a smile forming as he interlocked a singular pinkie with Will, "I want you to know I'm here for you, and I'll do anything to make you happy. We can take it slow; at your own pace and if you feel uncomfortable or scared at any time, just let me know so we can resolve it together!"

The brunette nodded, a wave of relief washing over him. It was a small step forward, but an important one. He knew that healing from his past would take time, but having the boy who's loved him for over two years gave him hope. And with those words, Will leaned in again, planting a small peck on the ravenette's cheek; a pinkie promise kiss.

"Thank you Mike..." Will whispered filling with gratitude. Gently resting his head back on the ravenette's shoulder, placing the earplugs back in both their ears, closing his eyes; the small boy drifted off, a peaceful sleep he yearned for a long time.

---- Friday 6:32 PM ----

As the next day rolled around, Mike and Will walked side by side; after watching a movie in the cinema, their fingers caressing one another threatening to interlock as they approached Scoops Ahoy. The sweet aromas filling the air; Will would come here almost every day, but today was different. The smell sweeter, and the neon lights seemed brighter as the 80's nostalgia popped, bringing a smile to his face, never able to soak in its ambiance.

As they waited in line to order, they heard the playful melody from the speakers, they finally reached the front spotting Robin manning the counter. "Hey Will! Hey... Mike?" she stretched her words hoping she got the right name.

The ravenette raised a hand to the air, a smile on his face, "Hey Robin!"

Will returned a smile, ordering their frozen treats but his expression carried a hint of concern. "Hey Robin... can we talk for a bit? Maybe in the store-room?" He suggested, "I need to discuss something with you, Steve and Erica."

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