3- Indian Food

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---- Saturday 12:12 PM ----

"I'M HUNGRY!!" Max whined, laying her body down and placing her head in El's lap, sprawled across the couch, stretching her legs.

The group sat inside of Mikes dorm. The place was the designated hangout as it was the cleanest and somehow the largest of all the friends' apartments. No matter If they all lived in the same accommodation building; the room the ravenette had was obviously better. Mike and the two girls sat on the big couch while the two boys sat on the floor watching tv.

Max's legs stretched into the ravenette's lap, scrunching his face, "Excuse me, get THOSE away from me!" Mike mocked playfully, pointing at her legs "Get your feet away from my private circle; they smell like skater!"

"How dare you?" The redhead argued, "That is no way to treat a lady!" joking dramatically

"I don't think you smell!" The doe-eyed girl simply uttered playing with the redhead's hair.

"See El agrees with me!" Max retorted

"That's because she can't smell them from over there!" Mike rolled his eyes

"Why you little sh-" The redhead sat up ready to pounce

"Children! Children!" Dustin called exchanging a look with Lucas who clapped his hands together, eventually getting everyone's attention. "Can we stop this incoherent bickering, because I'm starting to agree with Max!"

"See!" the redhead defended herself, crossing her arms

"Not about your smell, that's a completely different issue which I make no comment about!" The curly haired boy remarked giggling, seeing the girl raise her fist threateningly, "I'm talking about my extreme hunger! I am literally withering away!"

"Damn! Maybe we should let it happen if you're gonna be that dramatic!" Lucas whispered, shaking his head.

"I hear the sound of haters! I wonder where that is coming from?" Dustin placed his hand to his ear in a jocular manner, coming closer to the athletic boy.

These where Mike's friends, nicknamed 'the party'. The lively group being close since they were babies in diapers; well, not literally but they like to believe it. They all had similar interests and cared for one another deeply; being tightknit. Nothing could tear them apart; no one was ever allowed to join the group, unless they had proven themselves worthy in one way or another.

Mike zoned out, hearing the amusing banter from his friends continue as they choose a place to order food from; always a daunting task for the group who had various tastes; some liked spice; others didn't. El didn't dare eat any meat that had bones, Dustin was allergic to what seemed like everything and Max was a vegetarian. Lucas was the most lax with his choices, eating anything as long as it tasted good- Mike would like to say he was the same, but honestly struggled with extremely spicy food.

Suddenly his attention turned behind him, noticing Will dressed in a casual outfit; a white jumper paired with light blue pants. He was neatly dressed as always, even wearing his reading glasses out in public. The brunette appeared eager and ready to head out, a bright shimmer in his eyes; the way he carried himself with a little prep in his step!

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