28- Suitcase

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As Will arrived at the riverside, his thoughts spiralled swirling with a mix of anticipation and suspense. His boyfriend would usually only do things like this to be romantic, and even with the ominous words from earlier the brunette hoped he was just overthinking. It wasn't like he did anything bad, but what if he did? Jittery, his mind swirled with the possibility of the conversation.

After a few minutes of kicking rocks and an existential crisis, the ravenette finally appeared beside him; his steps hesitant yet determined. As he drew close, a tense silence settled between them, the only sound was the faint rustling of leaves. Will saw the unreadable expression on Mike's face; whatever this conversation was, it wasn't going to be pretty, was it?

"So..." Mike began, his voice steady yet determined, "We need to talk!"

The brunette's heart sank at the words, bracing himself for whatever Mike was about to say next; did the ravenette want to break up? No, surely not, right? They have been doing so good and they had common interests and... and they lived together. Mike wouldn't throw that all away, right? His heart skipped a beat; all his insecurities and self-doubts flooding his mind; the thought of losing Mike shook him to his core.

"Is something wrong?" The brunette questioned, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

The ravenette took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. He looked into Will's eyes with a mixture of emotions, his gaze filled with both understanding and resolve.

"I wanted to talk to you about the things you've been doing!" Mike said, his voice firm. "You murdered those people, haven't you?"

"What, no!" the brunette quickly took a step back shaking his hands around; how would he even know about this except for... the letter. He expected the conversation to be about the relationship, but this revelation was, far, far worse. "You... You're not gonna turn me in, right?" he stammered, his voice shaky.

The small boy expected to hear sirens, anger, cruel words or even an entire SWAT team to appear out of nowhere. He knew he hurt people and crossed the line, but... a part of him understood that. In a brief moment, all the fear and urgency he felt disappeared; whispering "I understand if you want to turn me in..." Will admitted, knowing how weird it must be for your boyfriend to be an active murderer.

The ravenette's expression softened as he looked into Will's green eyes; the understanding and pain visible. He could tell the brunette was only pretending to be confident in a moment like this; he knew all about Will's past so he... understood why he would kill bad people. He spoke, his voice stern yet soft, "Will..."

The brunette held his wrists out, almost as though he was ready for the police to arrive and place the handcuffs on him.

"I'm not turning you in, Teacup!" Mike chuckled, "I know you had good intentions but you're getting confused with justice and revenge."

"I know..." Will muttered, his heartbeat slowly beginning to settle. The relief spreading through his body... but if Mike didn't want to turn him in then what was the point of bringing up this conversation? He hadn't expected this type of reaction from Mike who was very strict about legality. The weight of the situation slightly lifted from his shoulders. "I know I've done bad things... but I only did it to make a difference; to protect others... but I ended up just as bad as them."

Siren; Byler✔️Where stories live. Discover now