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---- Saturday 3:27 PM ----

Will entered the hospital, his breathing hitched as he made his way through the familiar halls. The once daunting pale beige paint causing unease within him transformed into a bright yellow that signified new life and purity; everything was going great for him. His dear best friend awoke from his coma, after 4 years; it was something painful for the small boy to bear, blaming himself for putting his friend in that position...

It was like an itch he couldn't scratch that gnawed at him; he never felt content with how things ended considering the man who put him in that position was free.

But the brunette shook his head; right now, he was just glad to be able to talk with Richie: although there was a small problem. Richie had memory loss; he couldn't remember about a year before the attack, which wasn't ideal... but luckily, he and Eddie had been dating before that point, so it was as if nothing changed between them; it was like everything was back to normal... well mostly.

Will arrived in the correct ward aligning himself with the room. He softly pushed the door, filling with excitement and relief; it would be the fourth time this week, but each time he came here it felt as though it was his first.

Entering the room, he saw his dear friend Richie laying on the bed, his devoted boyfriend already by his side; his family were planning something great for Richie the moment he was allowed to leave the hospital. The Tozier's always knew their son would wake up and they were the first ones he saw when his eyes opened. The air in the room was light; a bubbly atmosphere surrounding them.

Seeing the sarcastic boy's progress filled him with hope and relief, "Hey Richie!" Will greeted, his voice filled with warmth. He made his way over to the bedside dragging a chair over to sit on the other side, opposite Eddie. A soft smile on his face as he pulled out chocolate from his pocket, placing it on Richie's lap. Slowly he was able to move; his bones and everything were fine, the only reason he was slightly stiff was due to him being inactive for over 4 years.

"Thank you?" Richie smiled, "But why did you hand it so suspiciously?" he giggled

"Because you can't bring food to the hospital!" The brunette mumbled.

"Yes, you can!" Eddie added with a soft chuckle.

"You can?" Will's eyes widened.

"Of course you can!" The neat boy deadpanned, "How do you think I bought him spaghetti?"

"I thought that as because you're my Eddie-spaghetti!" Richie flirted.

"That's just... Shut up!" Eddie pouted, blushing from the nickname,

"You both being romantic makes me physically Ew!" Will jokingly placed a hand to his stomach; pretending to regurgitate.

"Like you're so modest!" Eddie mocked, "What about your little anniversary date yesterday?"

"Uhh..." The brunette nervously giggled, unable to give a response,

"So how is your boyfriend?" Richie asked

"Their basically married!" The neat boy added, "Look he even gave you a ring! Another year and it'll be an engagement ring!" he chuckled

Siren; Byler✔️Where stories live. Discover now