Phone call

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I woke up from a great sleep to the sound of a phone ringing, thinking it was Leah's, I pushed her arm waking her up, "Leah your phone", I groaned. She reached blindly for her phone on the bedside table and answered, holding it to her ear, "hello", she said, after a few seconds of silence I looked at Leah and she went bright red, "it's for you, it's your phone", she mumbled. I looked at the caller ID and it was my mum, "shit", I groaned, I wanted to tell her about Leah in person.

I cleared my throat and held the phone to my ear, "hey mum", I said, "who was that? Why is she answering your phone? Are you in bed?", she said and I could hear the smirk from the other side of the phone. I rolled my eyes and replied, "ew mum seriously, that was Leah, she um- well she's my-", "your girlfriend", she cut me off quickly, "yea", I replied, "I wanted to tell you in person", I said sheepishly, "well I want to meet her", mum said, "Y/B/N will be home this weekend and I'm making dinner on Saturday, see you both at 7, bring dessert", she said and hung up without giving me the chance to reply.

I looked over and Leah and smiled at her, hoping she's up for meeting my mum and brother. "My mum wants to do dinner on Saturday, my brother will be there, they want to meet you", I said looking at her hoping to gauge her reaction, "that works for me", she replied but I could tell she was nervous, I grabbed her hands to reassure her, "they'll love you don't worry", I said softly. I brought her in for a quick kiss and climbed out of bed, getting a shower. Leah went after me and I drove us back to my house, I hate leaving Holly on her own for longer than a day.

I unlocked the door and walked in, Holly instantly running over to me, "hi baby", I said in that dog voice, picking her up and giving her a few kisses. I then put her down and she went over to Leah, sniffing around her and then lying down so she could pet her. "What do you want to do today", Leah asked, it looked like a nice day and I wanted to go out, "how about I text Em and ask if her and Lia want to join us at the beach, we can bring holly", I said, "sounds great", she said pecking my lips, "I'll go pack a bag for us", she said making her way upstairs. I sent the message to Em and she replied quite quickly, saying they'll both meet us there. "They said they'll meet us there", I said sensing Leah's presence behind me. "Okay let's go", she smiled, interlacing her hand with mine and me picking up holly with my free hand.

We got into my car, with Leah driving because I really couldn't be bothered, once we pulled out, she kept her hand interlaced with mine the whole time, only letting go when she had to change gears and giving a kiss to the back of my hand before she let go each time, making my heart flutter, it's moments like these when I want to tell her I love her but I don't want to scare her off. We pulled up to the beach, grabbing the bags and Holly and made our way down, finding 4 free loungers as we put our towels on them.

We brought one of those tent things where you can get changed without being stared at, I went into the tent and Leah handed me the bikini she picked out, "seriously Leah", I glared at her and she just smirked making me roll my eyes, of course she chose the smallest black bikini I have. I walked out and I noticed Em and Lia had already arrived and all 3 of them whistled at me, with Leah's eyes roaming my entire body, making me smirk to myself knowing the effect I have on her. Leah then went into change and came out quickly, with my eyes roaming her body this time. "We're going to the sea", Em said quickly, dragging me with her. I just rolled my eyes and followed her. "Fuck it's freezing", I said shivering, "suck it up", Em said making me roll my eyes.

"Lia finally asked me to be her girlfriend", Em said excitedly, "oh my god Em that's amazing, congratulations", I said sincerely pulling her in for a hug. "My mum phoned me this morning and I asked Leah to pick up because I thought it was her phone", I rushed out hearing Emily laugh, "oh my god", she laughed out, "shut up it's not funny, her and Y/B/N want to meet her so she's making dinner on Saturday, can you come too?", I asked her with puppy eyes, "nope absolutely not, that's all you, plus I'm working", she said patting me on the back making me groan, "let's head back now I'm freezing", I shivered to which Emily hummer in agreement.

Leah's POV:
I watched Y/N make her way to the sea with Emily, smiling myself as I made a great choice for her bikini, "you love her don't you", Lia said softly, "of course I do, I just haven't said it yet", I expressed, wanting to wait for the right moment before I do. "That's fair, me and Em haven't said it either, but we both know, and I think Y/N knows too", I smiled at her and we both sat down on the loungers, Holly sat between my legs enjoying the sun. "Our girlfriends are hot", Lia breathed out, both of us laughing, "they definitely are", I agreed, as both girls started to make their way back.

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