April 10th

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I watched as Leah lost consciousness before she could speak, before she hit the ground I caught her and fell to the ground with her.

"Leah please, please wake up", I sobbed as I cupped her cheek with my hand.

"This isn't happening", I choked out as I felt for her pulse, it's there. Fuck this is my fault, I pushed her too far and might have made things worse. I quickly stood up with Leah in my arms, bridal style, and made my way to the car. I quickly put her in the front seat and clipped her in and ran round to the drivers side.

I sped off and made my way to the hospital, definitely over the speed limit. My shaky hands were gripped onto the steering wheel as I kept looking over at Leah with tears running down my cheeks.

"Hey siri, call Em", I choked out as my phone started to ring. Em picked up pretty quickly.

"Em", I croaked through the phone.

"Y/N/N? What's wrong?", she panicked hearing my voice through the phone.

"It's Leah she-"

"She what Y/N/N?"

"I'm on my way to the hospital she just collapsed, what if I pushed too much on her Em", I sobbed as she tried to soothe me through the phone.

"I'm with Lia, Beth and Viv, we're getting in the car now and we'll meet you there okay?", Em said calmly .

"Okay", I whispered, "can you call Amanda, I'm almost at the hospital", I sniffed as she said she would and then I hung up.

I skidded to a stop in front of the hospital and lifted Leah out of the car. I ran into the hospital with her in my arms.

"Help! Please!", I shouted as a few nurses came over to me with a bed.

"What's happened?", one of the nurses asked but before I could respond I heard another voice. It was Lexie.

"Y/N what's going on?", she questioned as she seen Leah. She knew about her brain surgery so I didn't have to explain much.

"I was telling her memories of us but she started to get a headache and she passed out, what's wrong with her?", I said stoking Leah's hair.

"We'll have to do some tests Y/N/N", she said as they wheeled Leah away and I was once again left in the waiting room. I wasn't on my own for long before Em, Lia, Beth, Viv and Katie ran through the doors.

"What the hell happened?", Lia asked as I explained what happened in detail. Em brought me in for a hug as she whispered "this isn't your fault" into my ear. I didn't say anything as I just sat back down.

"Y/N", I heard a voice call out as I looked up to see Meredith. She smiled at me before speaking.

"She's awake, you can all go see her, come on", she said as well all followed behind her. We walked into the room and I braced myself for what was going to happen. I breathed a sigh of relief as I seen Leah awake and she seemed okay. Thank god. I let the girls hug her as I just lingered in the back.

"Where's Jordan?", she questioned as everyone in the room looked at me. Is this seriously happening again.

"I'm kidding, you girls have kept your schedule free for April 10th right?", Leah questioned as my head snapped up and she had the biggest smile on her face. Em, Katie and Beth mirrored her expression, they knew that's the date we arranged to get married but we hadn't told everyone else.

"What's April 10th?", Viv asked.

"I'm supposed to be getting married", Leah said with a smirk as I let out a sob.

"You- you remember?", I choked out as tears brimmed both our eyes.

"I remember, I remember everything", she said with a cheesy smile as I ran to her bed and smashed my lips onto hers. Our tears mixed together and all I could taste was salt but I didn't care. Leah pulled me on top of her as she kissed my head and let me sob into her chest.

"I thought I'd lost you forever Le", I sobbed as she continued to place soft kisses to my head.

"I'm so sorry, I'm here now, I'm here", she whispered as she rubbed her hand up and down my back. I gripped onto her t-shirt, scared to let go in case this wasn't real.

"You're okay to go home Leah, the headache was a result of your memories coming back", Meredith said as she placed a hand on Leah's shoulder.

"Thank you Meredith", Leah said genuinely as she left the room. I pulled myself together as I sat up and looked into Leah's ocean eyes, both of us with bright smiles on our face. Though hers quickly turned into a pout as I slapped her shoulder.

"What was that for?", she pouted as I crossed my arms.

"Where's Jordan?", I mocked her as she smiled sheepishly and I rolled my eyes.

"We're still in the room you know", Katie said as everyone laughed.

"How about we gather the girls at our house, order a takeaway and have a movie night", Leah said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. We all agreed as I hopped off Leah and let her get up so we could leave.

We left the hospital and Em drove the girls back and I drove me and Leah back. Leah text the girls to meet at our house for a movie night and majority of them agreed. Leah let them know she remembered everything and the girls were happy for her and me. I placed my hand on Leah's thigh as she placed her hand over mine. We looked at each other with dopey smiles and heart eyes. God it feels fucking amazing to have her back.

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