It's not real

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I woke up to a loud crash and a scream coming from downstairs. I looked to my left to see the bed empty so I quickly made my way downstairs to find her.

As I walked into the kitchen, all I could see was blood everywhere, on the cupboards, on the island, on the floor. That's when I saw it.

Leah lying on the floor lifeless, a figure hovering over the top of her with a knife in hand. The figure moved away from Leah as I quickly ran towards her. I cupped her cheeks and shook her body in an attempt to wake her up.

"Leah please, please don't leave me", I sobbed out as I attempted to stop the bleeding.

"You did this you know", I heard a voice say behind me. James Stone. I turned to look at him, the tears falling freely from my face as he played with the knife covered in my girlfriends blood.

"Her blood is on your hands"

"It's inevitable"

"You could stop this"

"Let her go"

He continued to torment me as I shut my eyes to block him out. I opened them again only to be tied up the same way I was a year and a half ago.

"No, no, no, this isn't happening", I whispered closing my eyes and opening them again hoping to be in Leah's arms but it didn't work.

"Oh but it is, let's pick up where we left off", he said laughing as he made his way towards me.

I woke up screaming and absolutely lashed in sweat as I struggled to control my breathing.

Emily's POV:
I woke up to a scream coming from my spare room. I knew immediately it was Y/N as she stayed here last night, both of us needing a catch up just the two of us.

I hurriedly made my way out of bed and ran to the spare room. I opened the door to see Y/N in a heap on the floor rocking back and forth.

"Y/N, hey it's okay", I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me", she screamed as she backed away and ran into her bathroom and locked the door. I could hear crashing coming from inside as I begged her to open the door, scared that she would unknowingly hurt herself when she was in this state.

"I can't go back, I won't go back", I heard her repeatedly mutter. She must have had a nightmare, she told me they were a common occurrence during that year she was in hiding but she said they stopped after that.

I quickly ran back to my room and grabbed my phone and called the only person I thought could help.

Leah's POV:
I was rudely awoken by my phone ringing, I grumbled and turned round to look at the time. 02.30am. I groaned as I grabbed my phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello", I said sleepily in an annoyed tone.

"Leah I'm sorry for ringing you but it's Y/N, she had a nightmare and I think she's stuck in an episode and I can't get through to her", Em said panicking and I was already up pulling on clothes at the mention of Y/Ns name.

"I'm on my way", I said as I hung up and quickly made my way out the door and in my car.

I arrived at Ems house and ran in through the front door as she called my name from upstairs.

"Where is she?", I asked tuning up the stairs as she guided me into the spare room.

"She's in the bathroom, she locked herself in there when I tried to touch her, I'm worried Leah, they were never this bad after she was taken by James", Em said nervously as I just looked on confused.

"This isn't the first time?", I asked sadly as Em just shook her head no. I sighed and made my way over to the bathroom and knocked softly.

"Y/N/N? It's Leah. Can you let me in please?", I said softly as I heard her quiet sobs from the other side of the door that broke my heart.

"I'll get the spare key", Em whispered as I just nodded.

"You're safe Y/N/N, he can't hurt you anymore. It's not real. It was just a bad dream", I said softly as Em came back into the room with the key.

"I'm coming in okay?", I said making her aware I was coming in as I used the key to unlock the door.

The sight before me made my heart ache as I looked at Em and she nodded at me. I slowly walked towards Y/N. She was sat against the wall with her knees to her chest and her hands covering her face as sobs escaped her body. There was broken glass on the floor from the bathroom mirror which I assuming she punched out of anger as her knuckles on her right hand were covered in blood with little pieces of glass stuck in them.

"Y/N/N", I whispered as I approached her slowly and gently grabbed her hands to take them away from her face.

"Hey", I said softly as she looked at me, but her eyes looked empty.

"Leah", she muttered as she bottom lip started quivering. I quickly brought her into my lap and rubbed my hand up and down her back to help settle her as she pushed herself further into my chest.

"You're okay, you're safe", I said as I continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear. We sat like that for a while until she had calmed down.

"Is it okay if I clean you up?", I asked as the blood had started to dry and I needed to take out the pieces of glass. She just nodded as I helped her stand up and guided her to sit on the toilet seat.

I looked into her eyes and she just looked broken and numb. The sight was enough to make me breakdown but I kept myself together and grabbed the first aid kit and a pair of tweezers.

"This might hurt baby", I said softly as she didn't respond. I started to take out the pieces of glass but she didn't even flinch. Not once. I cleaned the wounds and wrapped up her hand and again, she didn't flinch.

I helped change her out of her clothes too as they had some blood on them. Again, she didn't flinch, she barely moved, she was just numb. I guided her to the bed and pulled the duvet up over her. I gave a longing kiss to her forehead as I crawled in behind her and draped my hand over her waist.

"Is this okay?", I asked softly not really expecting a response, but she just grabbed my hand in hers as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She'll be okay.

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