Adoption papers

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It was the next day and everyone close to us has arrived, so the house was pretty much packed. We were all sitting in the living room and I was sat in Leah's lap as she had her hands round my stomach.

"You 2 finally gonna tell us why you invited us over then?", my brother asked as Em smirked while sipping on her glass of wine. I looked at Leah as we smiled and nodded at each other and stood up. I gripped onto Leah's hand as she wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Go on then", Katie probed us.

"Okay then", Leah started to laugh, "Y/N/N is-"

"We", I said sternly and gripping her hand as she smiled at me. "We're pregnant", I breathed out as everyone gasped and got emotional.

"Oh my god, my baby", mum said grabbing my face as tears streamed down her face.

"How far along are you?", Amanda asked me as she gave me a hug.

"Only a few weeks. We weren't going to tell anyone until after the 12 week scan but we couldn't hold it in", I laughed.

"Leah probably would have ended up blabbing about it by accident", Amanda teased as Leah just rolled her eyes.

"It's gonna have an army of aunts and uncles that's for sure", Jacob said as he and Y/B/N pulled me and Leah in for a hug.

"Can you please not call our baby 'it'", Leah scolded making me laugh.

"Well we don't know if it's a boy or a girl", he shrugged.

"Just say 'the baby' don't say 'it'", Amanda said giving him a slap to his head.

"Alright fine, the baby is going to have an army of aunts and uncles", he said making me laugh.

"Okay our turn", Katie said pushing the 2 boys out of the way and hugging me and Leah. The rest of the girls were patiently waiting to hug and congratulate us.

"So how did Ava take it?", Em asked softly as the rest of them were in conversation.

"She thought we were going to kick her out", I sighed as Leah wrapped her arm round my waist and kissed my head.

"But we talked to her and assured her that wouldn't happen, and that she's going to be a sister", Leah continued as Em smiled and looked at me with glazed over eyes.

"Don't", I warned her, trying my best not to get emotional.

"Sorry I'm just- I'm so proud of you", Em said clearing her throat as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you", I whispered as she gave me a squeeze and pulled away.

"You 2 are so soppy", Leah joked as Em slapped her shoulder.

"We've been through a lot okay? Just shocking we're both still breathing", Em joked and it was Leah's turn to slap her shoulder.

"That's not funny", Leah scolded as I stifled my laugh.

"What's not funny?", Beth and Viv butted in as Em explained what she said, which resulted in another 2 slaps from Beth and Viv.

"For once I'm with Leah on this, that's not funny", Beth scolded making me laugh.

"I know, sorry", I said holding my hands up as Leah kissed my head and the other 3 walked over to Amanda, Ava and my mum.

"Please don't joke about that stuff, I've almost lost you way too many times, I don't want to think about that again", Leah whispered softly to me as I turned to face her.

"I'm sorry", I said placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"It's okay", she said giving me a soft smile before she kissed me again and we joined the others.

We spent the next couple hours talking and enjoying the fact we were all in the same place. Once everyone said their goodbyes, which did take a while, me, Leah and Ava sat in the living room watching a movie before Leah told me she was going to get the papers. I paused the movie as Ava started to protest.

"Come on, it was getting to the good part", Ava exclaimed with a mouth full of popcorn.

"First off, don't talk with your mouth full, and secondly, we need to talk to you", I said as Ava's face dropped and Leah walked back in.

"Hey, it's okay, it's nothing bad", I reassured her as she relaxed. Leah sat down beside me grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers as she handed Ava the envelope. She hesitantly took it as me and Leah watched her with smiles on our faces and tears in our eyes as she pulled out the papers.

"Adoption papers?", she said shakily as her bottom lip started to quiver.

"We know you're going to be 18 soon, so technically us adopting you isn't necessary, especially if you decide you want to leave when you turn 18", I started rambling as Leah cut me off by squeezing my hand.

"What Y/N/N is trying to say is we see you as our daughter regardless, so if you want to, we'd like to make it official", Leah said as Ava wiped at her cheeks and looked at us.

"You guys know you don't have to do this", Ava whispered making my heart hurt.

"We want to do this Ava, we love you", I assured her as she stood up, me and Leah following her actions.

"Thank you", she said quietly as she started to cry, prompting me and Leah to walk over to her and pulled her into us.

"Well who's hungry?", Leah asked making us all laugh.

"Starving", Ava mumbled as Leah grabbed her phone and walked off to order food.

"Can you press play now?", Ava asked as she plopped down on the sofa. I jokingly rolled my eyes before sitting back down on the sofa and pressing play as Leah came back and sat down beside me, kissing my head and wrapping her arms around me.

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