Let's do this

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Me and Ava got out of the car as she grabbed her bag out of the back seat.

"Are you sure your fiancé Leah will be okay with this?", Ava questioned quietly.

"She'll be fine, it might come as a shock at first though", I said bracing myself in case she freaks out. The last thing I want is for Ava to feel uncomfortable, but the same goes for Leah so I hope she's okay with it.

I guide Ava to the front door, unlocking it and walk inside.

"Babe", I shouted.

"In here", she shouted back from the living. I walked into the living room with Ava close behind me as Leah's eyes were fixated on the tv.

"Leah", I said getting her attention as she turned to look at me. Her eyes drifted over to Ava and then back to me.

"Who's this?", she asked confused but still offered Ava a small smile.

"Ava could you go upstairs so I can talk to Leah, the guest bedroom is at the top of the stairs to the left, I'll be up in a minute", I said softly as she just nodded and made her way upstairs.

"Y/N/N?", Leah said softly as I started to pace around the living room.

"Okay I need you to hear me out because what I decided to do is completely irrational but I want to do this Le and I'd understand if you don't want to do this. I probably should have talked to you about this before I decided but I just-"

"Y/N/N! You're rambling, can you tell me what you did please?", she said laughing but seeming nervous. I explained the situation to her, from the call this morning, to Ava's father killing her mother, though I still avoided telling her I said I would foster her.

"I'm still confused Y/N/N, are her family coming to get her?", she asked softly as I just shook my head.

"Then why is she-", Leah cuts herself off before she could finish her sentence as a look of realisation crossed her face.

"Oh", she whispered and I couldn't read the look on her face.

"I'm sorry Le, I couldn't let her go into the system. This was my choice so I understand if you can't do this", I said softly as she just started to laugh, like hysterically.

"What-what's so funny?", I questioned confused as a laugh also left my lips.

"Just you, thinking you can look after a 17 year old by yourself", she said after she had stopped laughing as she just smiled at me. "I didn't think I could love you more than I already do", she said lovingly.

"So what does that mean?", I breathed out, needing a little more clarification.

"Let's do this Y/N/N"


"Yea", I moved forward and connected my lips with Leah's in a sweet kiss.

"Are you sure?", I asked breathlessly as she nodded.

"Yea I am, and whilst we're on the subject of kids, I got a call today, we've finally got an appointment", she said happily.

"We did?", I questioned teary eyed.

"Yea baby we did", she said beaming as she pulled me into her lap and pulled me into her chest.

"A 17 year old, an appointment with the fertility clinic and a wedding in 2 months, we're on a roll aren't we", I said giggling as Leah laughed.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you", Leah whispered.

"Not nearly enough", I joked as she gave my ass a smack.

"Say it back", Leah pouted as I rolled my eyes.

"I like you a lot", I said smirking as Leah just whined.

"Don't make me punish you", she husked into my ear making me shiver.

"I love you", I finally gave in as I placed another kiss on her lips.

"You guys don't do that a lot do you", Ava grimaced from beside us. Me and Leah both jumped, obviously forgetting Ava was waiting upstairs.

"Jesus Ava, warning next time", I said laughing as she just shrugged.

"I just came to ask if there was any towels so I can have a shower please", she said shyly making my heart clench.

"Of course I'll-"

"I'll get them", Leah said cutting me off as I got off her lap. She gave me one last peck to my lips as her and Ava walked up the stairs. Even thought she's 17, watching Leah with kids makes my ovaries flutter.

Leah's POV:
Me and Ava walked upstairs and I grabbed her a few towels from the closet and put them in her en suite.

"There's shampoo, conditioner and shower gel in the cupboards here, there's some body lotion and moisturiser too with some other stuff, help yourself", I said softly as she just nodded. I could tell she wanted to ask something else by the way she was avoiding my gaze and pulling at her sleeves.

"Do you need anything else?", I asked softly as she looked up at me.

"I uh- don't have any clothes with me", she whispered looking away again.

"How about you get in the shower and I'll leave some clothes on the bed for you yea?", I said to her as she gave me a small smile and said thank you.

I left the bathroom, closing the door behind me as I went to mine and Y/Ns room and got Ava some joggers and a hoodie and left them on her bed.

I walked back down the stairs to see Y/N at the stove cooking dinner. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"We should take Ava shopping tomorrow, get her some clothes. I gave her a pair of your joggers and a hoodie because she doesn't have anything with her", I said as she turned around to face me with heart eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that", I laughed as she tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I just love you", she said lovingly.

"And I love you", I replied pecking her lips. 2 months and I get to marry the love of my life.

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