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Leah's POV:
I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, much to my dismay.

"Y/N", I whined out, wanting her to come back to bed. I heard shuffling coming from the kitchen, so she either couldn't hear me or she was ignoring me.

"Y/N!", I shouted out again. Still nothing. I groaned and made my way out of the bed, falling after the first step as my legs felt numb from last nights events. Y/N suddenly rushed through the door, obviously hearing my fall.

"Are you okay?", she asked concerned. "Oh so you hear me fall but not me calling on you?", I questioned to which she just rubbed her neck, "sorry, I was making you breakfast, but seriously, you okay?", she asked again.

"Legs are just a bit numb that's all", I mumbled and I could see her trying to stifle a laugh making me glare at her, which only egged her on as she burst out laughing. I stood up and shook off my legs and walked towards Y/N, leaning into her ear. "I've heard paybacks a bitch, watch yourself beautiful", I whispered before gently biting her ear lobe, smirking to myself as I was able to wipe the smile off her face as I heard her groan and mutter something under her breath behind me as I started my walk to the kitchen.

"What was that?", I asked her turning around. "Nothing", she mumbled as she followed me into the kitchen, her face bright red making me smirk, this should be fun.

"So what did you make me?", I asked with a smirk and she just rolled her eyes, "pancakes, bacon, and eggs", she smiled, proud of herself. "Sounds great", I said giving her head a kiss.

I watched Y/N plate up the food as I was thinking of ways to tease her more. "Bon appetite", she said smiling as she set my plate in front of me. She sat opposite me and we both started to eat, it was really good I have to say and I smirked to myself as an idea popped into my head.

"Mhmmm, this is really good", I moaned out, continuing to make sexual noises whilst trying to seem innocent. Y/N dropped her fork onto her plate as she groaned and dropped her head onto the table, "seriously Le, all this teasing just because I gave you jelly legs", she said trying to suppress a smirk, obviously proud of her response.

"Funny, no sex for a week", I said nonchalantly, not letting her win this. She snapped her head towards me with her jaw dropped. "Leah, n-no that's not fair", she whined out like a child having a tantrum making me laugh.

"I told you, paybacks a bitch", I said standing up to wash the dishes hearing Y/N huff in disapproval behind me.

"Oh before I forget, mum wants us over for Sunday lunch tomorrow with my dad and Jacob", I said over my shoulder, my family love her and whenever they plan a family dinner, it's a must that Y/N is invited.

"My favourite Williamson wants me over for dinner? How could I say no", she replied and I could feel the smirk on her face, "you wanna make it no sex for 2 weeks?", I questioned.

"You wanna make it no sex for 2 weeks", I heard her say in a mocking voice making me roll my eyes and finish up with the dishes.

"You wanna take a walk?", Leah asked as she wrapped her arms around me and tucked her head into my neck, "sure", I said kissing the side of her head. She'd been a pain in my ass all morning but how could I say no to that face.

We walked out of the cabin hand in hand, this place really was beautiful. There was a path that led down to a lake, tall trees surrounding us as we enjoyed the peaceful silencing, the only sound coming from the birds chirping and the leaves crunching beneath our feet. I could sense there was something on Leah's mind, she seemed anxious almost.

"Everything okay?", I asked her softly. She looked over at me and gave me a smile, "yea, I'm just getting in my own head that's all", she replied. I pulled us over to a bench and sat her down, "what's up?", I asked her.

"Well you know the euros is coming up and it's in England", she said as she took a breath and I nodded in understanding, kinda confused with where this was going. "I was just wondering if you would come and watch, the ones you can obviously, I know your job is-", I swiftly cut off her rambling. "Leah, of course I'm gonna come watch, I'm gonna be at every single game", I reassured her as she brought me in for a kiss, it was soft and short, but I could feel the love she was showing from just that one kiss, and I hope she could feel mine too.

She kissed me harder and climbed into my lap, rolling her hips into mine. Considering her earlier statement, I wasn't about to stop her. My hands grabbed her bum as she moaned into our kiss, both her hands running through my hair. She moved her kisses to my neck, kissing me agonisingly slow making me whine until she pulled away completely and got off my lap and fixed her hair.

"Ready to finish our walk?", she questioned so nonchalantly as I was sat there dumbfounded, "don't think I forgot what I said earlier", she smirked. "I hate you", I mumbled as I stood up and walked past her.

"Oh come on, you love me", she said as she ran up to catch me, wrapping her arms round one of mine and cuddling into my side, I rolled my eyes at her statement but couldn't help but laugh, "yea I do", I said as I kissed her head, wondering how I got so god damn lucky.

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