Old photo

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Today is the day before Christmas Eve, me and Leah are spending the day together and then we'll go to our respective parents house until Christmas night where we'll come back to our house. I usually spend Christmas Eve at my dads favourite bar by myself, mainly because my 2 aunts, my dads 2 sisters, are homophobic so I've made it a habit to avoid the house on Christmas Eve. I refuse to tell Leah this, I don't want her to worry. I'm a little anxious about being away from her too, especially having to sleep without her. Usually I'd be fine, but after the events of the past few weeks it's made me uneasy and sleeping beside her has made me feel safe and at peace.

We were sitting on the sofa with friends playing in the background. I had my legs draped across Leah's lap as she was playing sudoku and I was watching tiktoks. I was silently giggling to myself until I scrolled to the next video and let out a groan.

Leah looked over at me and raised her eyebrow with a smirk.

"You okay over there Y/N/N?"

"Why do people continue to make edits about you and your ex when they know we're together", I said rolling my eyes trying to conceal my jealousy. I know I shouldn't be jealous but come on, I see it on my feed all the time.

"Which one?", she said trying to be funny as I just tilted my head.

"I'm kidding", she said clearing her throat.

"I don't get it, have we not made it obvious enough", I questioned rhetorically throwing my head backwards. I looked at the comments and soon regretted it. A lot said how much they were perfect together, more than we are, some were positive about us, and some saying how they miss them.

Leah quickly took my phone and turned it off and brought me into her lap so I was straddling her.

"Look at me", she said softly as she placed her hand on my cheek.

"I love you, Jordan is my past and you're my present and future. I know it's hard but try and ignore the edits, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You're stuck with me", she finished with a giggle as I kissed her lips.

"I wouldn't have it any other way", I smiled as I placed my lips on hers again.

"Fuck I love you so much", I whispered as I placed my forehead against hers.

"I love you too baby", she replied as we both sighed in contentment. Until my phone started to ping continuously. I groaned as I opened it up and seen messages from Em and my mum. Leah's phone also started to ping with messages from a few of the girls and Amanda. Mine were telling me to check the news.

I opened up the article Em sent me and my heart dropped. Don't jump to conclusions Y/N. I was still in Leah's lap as I turned the phone around and showed her the photo.

"What the fuck", she exclaimed as her eyes widened and she grabbed the phone.

"Y/N/N I- this- I swear this is an old photo", she stuttered as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

It was a photo of her and Jordan kissing that had just been posted. The article claiming they were back together and she was cheating on me. But I believed her, I heard her out without running and I believe her.

"I believe you, of course I believe you", I sighed as I used my thumb to wipe her cheeks.

"Fuck, why would they do this?", Leah questioned as she kissed the palm of my hand and wrapped her arms round my waist.

"Maybe because the edits of you and Jordan have increased a lot lately", I said rolling my eyes once again.

"If you keep rolling your eyes they're gonna get stuck there", Leah said laughing as I just playfully smacked her chest.

"Thank you", she mumbled.

"For what?"

"For hearing me out and believing me", she sighed as I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into my chest.

"We've had enough miscommunication for one relationship", I joked as we both laughed.

"I should make a post", she groaned as I nodded and we sat down so she could write a caption, basically saying that we're happily engaged and asked for people to have more respect for our relationship and also Jordan. A lot of the comments were positive thankfully.

"Who is your first game back against?", I asked Leah as we had settled on the sofa with a Chinese and were watching grown ups 2.

"Manchester United"

"Oh so I get to see my favourites play then", I said smirking as she just rolled her eyes.

"Yea whatever, you aren't saying that when it's my head between your legs", she said nonchalantly as I choked on my Chinese. She just smirked and continued to watch the tv.

"You're mean", I mumbled as she burst out laughing. We finished our food and cuddled into each other as we finished the movie. I could feel myself falling asleep as she was playing with my hair.

"Let's go to bed", she mumbled pulling me up from the sofa as we both sleepily walked upstairs. We both walked into the bathroom to brush our teeth. We looked at each other in the mirror and made funny faces at each other. We both cleaned our mouths as we finished and stared at each other again through the mirror.

"I can't wait to marry you", I sighed contently as she wrapped her arms around my waist and her eyes sparkled.

"Who wouldn't", she said smirking as I rolled my eyes.

"Moment ruined", I said turning around to walk out as she pulled me back.

"I'm kidding, I can't wait to marry you either. And to live the rest of my life with you by my side", she said kissing my lips as I smiled into it.



We both got under the quilt and I made her turn over as I wanted to be the big spoon for once. We both called asleep pretty soon after. There's no place I'd rather be.

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