I'll see you soon

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After waking up the next day, me and Leah returned home and were surprised with an engagement party from our mums. Our whole family was there as well as the England and Arsenal girls. I don't think any of us made it home until the next morning where we slept for a couple hours then met up with our families and had breakfast.

"Aw god the smell of these pastries are turning my stomach", I said closing my eyes as the rest of the table grumbled in agreement, none of us having the effort for conversation. I'm not sure why we even decided to do breakfast after last night but we try and enjoy it.

"When's your next game honey?", Amanda asks Leah. I zone out of the conversation before I hear Leah's reply as I hear my phone ringing. I pull the phone out of my pocket and look at the screen which reads 'HMP Wandsworth'.

My heart drops to my stomach as my breathing starts to quicken.

"Excuse me", I say as I leave the table, meeting Leah's concerned gaze on my way out and I just offer her a soft smile.

I pick up the phone once I'm outside and accept the charges of the call.

"Baby?", he questions and I can hear the smugness in his voice.

"Don't call me that. What do you want?", I asked sternly as he cleared his throat.

"Just wanted to let you know I'll see you soon", he said before hanging up. What the hell. What does that mean. Surely he isn't getting out. That's impossible. I send Paul a quick message and ask him to look into it for me.

I walk back to the table and try to seem as normal as possible, telling Leah everything was okay though I could tell she didn't believe me. We finished up with breakfast and made our way back to our house.

We sat in silence on the drive back, Leah knowing I didn't want to talk about it. We walked into the house and I made my way straight upstairs, changing my clothes and deciding I was going to go into work.

"I'm going to work", I said to Leah as I grabbed my keys.

"Please don't shut me out Y/N/N, what's going on?", she pleaded with me.

"Nothing Leah", I said softly, I don't want her to worry about this.

"Are you cheating on me? Is that why you had to walk outside to take your phone call?", she asked sadly with a hint of anger to her voice.

"You think I would do that to you?", I questioned, hurt by her accusation.

"I wouldn't put it past you", she said but I could see the instant regret on her face as she face palmed herself. Still, that hurt.

"If you think that low of me, then why are you still with me?", I whispered as I left the house, not waiting for her reply. I got in my car and made my way straight to the office.

"Y/N, my office", Paul said to me as I took a deep breath and walked in, seeing Em sat there too.

"He's getting out isn't he?", I questioned looking between them both as they just nodded.

"How the fuck is that possible? He was sentenced to 20 years, he hasn't even served half of that!" I screamed, finding it hard to believe.

"Good behaviour, pulled his weight with jobs in there, he got out this morning", Paul said.

"This morning?! Oh well then of course, let's let the rapist out of jail because he was well behaved", I scoffed as I stormed out of his office and went back to my car. I didn't know where I was going, I just kept driving.

Leah's POV:
Accusing her of cheating? Seriously Leah? I groaned to myself as she left the house without letting me say anything else. What am I supposed to think, she won't talk to me and it's making me spiral.

It's been a few hours and she still hasn't returned home. I tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail. Shit. I called Em, hoping she would know where Y/N was.

"Do you know where she is?", I questioned as soon as she answered.

"She doesn't want me to tell you Leah, I'm sorry", What the hell is happening.

"Emily what the fuck is going on?", I asked, clearly there's more to this than what I said earlier.

"That's not my place to say either Leah, she'll talk when she ready, I have to go", Em said before hanging up making me groan in frustration. I decided to just head home and hope that she'll come back.

I was sitting in the sofa watching a film when I heard the keys in the door. I stood up and seen Y/N walk through with a defeated look on her face, she looks exhausted. Once she seen me her eyes started to fill with tears.

"I'm not cheating on you Leah, I would never do that", she sobbed, her bottom lip quivering. I instantly brought her into my arms.

"I know, I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I was just confused why you were shutting me out", I said as I could feel her tears soaking my shirt. I pulled her back and cradled her face in my hands, using my thumbs to wipe her tears.

"When you're ready, I'm here for you", I said softly as she let out a sigh.

"He's out Le", she whispered as I furrowed my brows.

"He is out", she said again, this time emphasising the he and I instantly knew who she was talking about.

"How is that possible?", I questioned clenching my jaw.

"Good behaviour", she scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me", I muttered, feeling the anger bubble inside me.

"What if he tries to hurt you because you're with me", she said sadly.

"He won't hurt me, and most importantly, he won't hurt you, not while I'm here", I said reassuringly as she pressed herself back into my chest. We stayed like this for a few minutes until I spoke up.

"Where did you go earlier?", I questioned, not accusingly, just curious.

"The hospital, I spoke to Meredith and a few of the other doctors, were quite the friends after I've spent a lot of time in there", she joked as I just glared at her.

"Sorry", she said sheepishly as I just laughed and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Let's go to bed", I said as she nodded. I picked her up and brought her upstairs, helping her get changed and then getting changed myself as I crawled in beside her and she placed her head on my chest.

"I love you", she mumbled.

"I love you", I said in response, not falling asleep for at least another hour, my mind going wild at the fact the man who caused her so much pain is currently walking free.

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