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I think I was sat on my chair crying for a few seconds, but I wasn't finished.
I wiped my tears and looked over to the toilet line.
It was long and Thomas was right at the end with his head in his hands, leaning up against the wall.
I breathed and looked over to their seat were Hazil was now sitting.

I got up and walked towards her.

I sat on the seat next to her and yanked her headphones out.

"Hey, Hazil! Remember me?" I asked.

"Y/N! How have you been? You haven't been on this flight the whole time have you? And on the phone to your parents crying have you? Not like I noticed or anything." She smiled.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked.

"I'm going back to the UK with my uncle."

"No! Your splitting a very happy couple up! We were going to move in together Hazil! I'm 23 years old, my birthday is in 3 weeks! I have always been the single one and I am very very lonely most of the time as I have no friends. I have a family who I just left behind. That phone call, that phone call you so rudely involved yourself in was probably the last time I will hear my mums voice for a while. I have no where to stay in London, and now you are just here! Some kid who isn't Bothered that her parents just died!" I was trying so hard not to shout but I was breaking.  It made me more angry as the girl was finding this amusing.
"Hazil, it's okay to tell the truth. I understand that you are probably more angry about your parents leaving than sad, you seem like that sort of girl. But Hazil, please, please don't break up the one thing that makes me smile on a day to day basis!" I pleaded.

"Don't you think you're being a bit selfish?" The girl asked.


"Well, Thomas just lost his sister, didn't he? You weren't supportive to him last night nor were you this morning. Now he's got to go back to the UK, sort me out, try and find who was involved in that car crash. But all you can think about is this stupid relationship that a 15 year old girl is trying to destroy - I'll give you that one Y/N, just so you can feel a bit of accomplishment."

I hated to admit it, but she was right.

"Oh great, well done Hazil, your actually right for once."

"What can I say, I'm a smart girl."

I sat up from the seat and ran towards the toilet.
I saw Thomas, his head was still in his hands, but he had moved up a space.
Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry Thomas, I'm here for you."

At first I thought he was going to push me off but I was shocked when I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head tucking into to my hair.

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