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"Why did you barge into my room at 12 a.m.?" I asked as I was tucked away in my bed, not wanting to move for the next hundred days to come.

Skye crossed her arms across her chest as she stared at me from the front of my room. I stared back, and for a minute I thought we were having a staring contest until she broke contact with a long-awaited sigh escaping from her lips.

"You're fucking heartbroken, Sam. It's time to switch things up." She walked over to my bed, and I scooted closer to the other side of the bed not knowing what she was going to do.

It's true, my boyfriend and I who was going 1 year strong just broke up within the month and I haven't left my room since unless it was to go to school. As soon as the breakup happened, everything reminded me of him.

I see a couple arguing on the sidewalk, and I think, huh, we used to argue that way.

"Firstly, I brought cookies." Skye set her small brown purse down as she searched until she pulled out a clear bag of cookies. My face lit up at the sight, quickly grabbed them from her as her eyes rolled playfully.

"This is why we're best friends," I spoke, opening up the bag as I grabbed one out.

"Be careful, I made them with extra fun." She winked, and I stared at her for a moment finally realizing what she meant.

Quickly, I threw them back at her as a laugh escaped her lips. "Relax Sam, there isn't any weed in them this time."

"There were other times?!" My eyes widened in fear, and Skye sighed at my reaction.

"You poor innocent child." She placed a hand on my shoulder once I sat up with my legs coming close to my chest. "But no, anyway, I came here to make you feel better of course." She gave me a genuine smile before she started to take her shoes off, throwing them to the side as she started to comfy in my bed.

I raised a brow at what she doing, because knowing my best friend, Skye, was full of out-of-pocket surprises. Just like how she causally showed up at 12am through my bedroom window instead of texting me to let her through the front door.

She threw her jacket on the floor, along with her bag, and reached over to the table on the side of my bed for a remote, "Okay, let's play some breakup songs and sign you up for a dating app." She casually said, turning the TV on as she was about to hit Spotify.

My mouth fell open at her words.

A dating app?!

This woman must be crazy to think I'd ever do something like that. I barely can get guys in person, What makes her think I can get one on a dating app?

"You really want me dead, huh?" I tilted my head to the side, and she rolled her eyes at me before pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"No, listen, I use it all the time." She unlocked her Lock Screen and ended up clicking on an app. I lean over closer to get a better look and see she had 58 unread messages on this app?!

She really is out of her mind if you ask me.

"This guy Jonas has been obsessed with me lately." She clicked on their messages, and she was right, all the messages were him saying cheesy pickup lines and her not replying.

"Why?" I asked, glancing up at her as we sat by side and she just shrugged.

"Why not? Now give me your phone." She handed her hand out, and I quickly shook my head at her demand.

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to sign up for that shit."

"I know." She said confidently as she was searching the room with her eyes for my phone. Sadly enough, she spotted it lying beside me and quickly reached over to grab it.

Knowing my passcode, she was already in and downloading the app on my phone.

I ran a hand through my hair in desperation to get my phone back, "Skye..." I trailed out, but she did not respond.

"Calm down, it's not that bad." I watched as the app was fully downloaded, and she was finally into the signup. "It'll be guys that live around here."

"And you say it's not that bad." I tried reaching for my phone, but she yanked it away still typing away.

"Okay, okay." She lowers the phone down with a sigh, "Just try it, yeah? I'll even put a fake name for it. Just use it for fun, you don't even have to meet up with anyone." She explained, and I debated on it.

Maybe it would be a small distraction.

"But, wouldn't someone know me from the pictures?"

A grin appeared on Skye's lips as she started to get giddy, "That's what makes the app fun, it's basically anonymous unless you send pictures through the messaging part."

I cocked an eyebrow as my eyes lowered to the phone, "Wait, what?"

"What?" She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, "What do you want your name to be?" She moved closer to me, and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"How is this supposed to help me?"

"Let's make your name super unique, it'll catch eyes out there." She started to type, and I lowered the phone from her.



"I don't understand how this will help me through the breakup." I fiddled with my fingers, and she let out a sympathetic sigh.

"It'll take your mind off things, trust me. I always do this after breakups. Plus, you get matched up with people nearby. It goes by interests and whatnot, and sometimes it's even random." She handed me the phone, and I hesitated before taking it in my hands. The screen lit up my face as I stared at the first and last name boxes.

"I'll try it just for tonight." I pointed a finger at Skye, and she raised her hands in surrender, finally giving in.

I thought for a moment about a name, but nothing came to me. Yet, when I glanced up at Skye she was already smirking away, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"What do you want my name to be?"

"Eviee Knoxs." She spoke confidently, nodding her head to the phone, but I didn't question when or how she came up with the name. I just continued to type it in both boxes along with some of my interests.

Soon, I was all set up and it was easier than I thought, "So, now what?"

"Well, the app is called matched, so let's go match with people." She said in a duh tone, making me shrug a shoulder. I scrolled to the match page, with random names popping up and Skye convinced me to swipe right on literally everyone.

What an odd dating app I'd say, must be for people who want to get kidnapped.

Suddenly, matches were appearing on my screen, but one in particular caught my eye.

Sammy Sandars.

And that's when I knew, I was going to have some fun with this app.

And that's when I knew, I was going to have some fun with this app

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