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I didn't go to school the next day. Apparently my Mom had a stern talking for me when I woke up along when my Dad wakes up and finds out the truth I was making out with Sammy.

I sat on my bed, not wanting to walk out of my bedroom, and feel the wrath of my parents who probably are waiting for me downstairs.

Sammy had blown my phone up last night on regular messaging asking if I was okay, and what was going on. To call him when I woke up, and I smiled slightly at his messages.

Sammy: please text me when you wake up. I'm worried

Sammy: it's like 4am and I keep waking up thinking about you, please respond when you wake up or let me know what's going on

Sammy: it's 9am are you okay?

Sam: Good morning Sammy, I'm awake. Didn't have a chance to talk to my Mom last night...we'll see how things unfold this morning

Before I could even set my phone down my phone was pinned with a notification from Sammy making me giggle.

Sammy: okay good I was so worried about you. you don't understand how much strength it took me to not intervene with your mom and you last night

Sam: It's alright, it's best you didn't. She was a messed up wreck last night...

Sammy: I know...everything is gonna be alright, okay? tell me how everything goes afterward. the second I receive nasty messages from my parents I'll know the talk you guys had is over and we can forget everything and go back to normal

Sam: Thanks Sammy <3 don't get in too much trouble at school ;)

Sammy: I'm gonna make sure to get in enough trouble for the both of us ;)

I smiled as my heart warmed at his messages.

Looks like I should get ready for the day of disaster. I jumped up from my bed and walked over to my mirror as I flinched back at my reflection. My red hair was a mess, almost as if rats lived in it, and...was that...a hickey on my neck??

Sammy Sandars.

Oh, he's so dead.

I whipped my head towards my phone and picked it up to start typing.

Sam: Explain the hickey on my neck.

Sammy: oh yeah, I forgot to tell you there might be a small mark

Sam: SMALL?? Do I need to send a picture?

Sammy: please send a picture :)

Sam: Next time I see you, there will be no more making out. Just a middle school relationship that's it.

Sammy: well, last night you seemed to like it. also, did you just say we have a relationship??

I threw my head back at my own words as I looked up at the ceiling as if it was going to help me.

Sam: A middle school one, yes :)

I threw my phone back down onto my bed, making sure not to get distracted anymore as I grabbed my makeup off my dresser and started to apply what I could to my neck to make it look more natural along with doing my own makeup.

Not long after, I was fully done and looked more presentable as I brushed down the mess of my hair into a ponytail, and put on something other than pajamas.

Might as well look decent as my parents scold me for kissing up on the son of their enemy.

I sucked in a breath as I stood in the mirror, and patted down my jeans. Here goes nothing, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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