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It's been a rough morning, to say the least.

School started in an hour, and my parents were absolutely devastated by the news they received about their diner.

Which I was too, when I got home last night it wasn't even ten minutes before my Mom came up to my room to break the news, and I of course started to break down with her as she had tears falling down her cheeks.

The place was very special to my parents, and for it to be taken away from the people they hated most made them that more angry.

"Sam, you ready for school?" My Mom knocked quietly on my door before peaking her head through it.

"Yeah, almost." I gave her a small smile before fixing the loose strands that framed my face.

She came up behind me as she crossed her arms, smiling at me through the mirror. I smiled back and turned around to face her.

"Will you and Dad be okay today?"

Her eyes fell to the floor with a small shrug of her shoulder, "The best we can be. There's not much we can do to win this fight. The Sandars shut us down for poor work conditions."

"I just don't understand that, your kitchen was spotless." I shook my head in disbelief. It really made no sense that the Sandars went this far to shut down their diner just because of their hate towards each other.

To be honest, I have no idea what their beef is even about. Sammy and I don't like each other just because we annoy each other, but how can these grown adults act so childish?

Sammy's parents, not mine.

"We don't understand it either, but they have money and power, and we don't. For now, all we can do is search for jobs." She reasoned, making my lips turn to a frown.

"I'll help out in any way I can, Mom." I leaned in, giving her a tight squeeze of a hug before releasing.

"I know you will, honey. Now get to school or you'll be late." She pointed a finger at me as she tried to lighten the mood with a playful smile on her lips.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my bag off my desk chair, "I guess I'll go to school." I joked, making her roll her eyes right back.

With that, I was off to the wonderful place they call school.

With that, I was off to the wonderful place they call school

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Sammy: good morning eviee

Eviee: Are you sure it's a good morning, and not just a morning?

Sammy: great, you're one of those people

Eviee: Not always, but when I talk to you yes :)

I grinned down at my phone as I walked through the halls of school.

Sammy: very funny, just wait till the day we meet, I'm going to change that

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