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       SAMS POV

"Fuck it."

Sammy's hands found my hair and crashed his lips onto my own.

I was taken aback by his actions, but I can't lie and say I didn't want it. The way he looked at me alone made me want to kiss him.

Was this wrong? Maybe, but at the moment I wasn't thinking straight.

As soon as his soft lips met mine, I froze, hesitating at first but soon went in sync with his lips. A shot of electricity went through my entire body, and everywhere he placed his hands, it was like fire touching me.

Our kiss was slow, yet passionate and I could feel every feeling I had been feeling toward Sammy recently all in one kiss.

He brushed his soft lips against mine, making mine tingle at the sensation. He was about to pull away as our eyes met, but something came over me and my hands found his hair as I pulled him down back to my lips.

He smiled against my lips as he caught the hint.

The kissing intensified as our lips moved in sync, feeling as if they were made for each other. His tongue brushed against my lips, asking for entrance, and I let him right away. Our tongues swirled together for a short moment before he went back to kissing me passionately. His hands roamed against my body, barely touching my sides in the process.

My breathing got heavier in the process as I ran my hands through his soft hair, gripping onto it which made him smirk against my lips

It was all well until the sound of our door was opening.

I quickly pulled away from Sammy and looked at him with wide eyes before pushing him away. I may have used too much force though considering he stumbled off of me, and right onto the floor with a bang.

I lay on my back, looking up to the ceiling in hopes nobody had seen what happened between Sammy and I.

Honestly, what the hell did happen?

I won't lie, he sure did know how to kiss.

"Sams...ha, get it? Because you're both named around the same name." Skye yelled out, with the door closing behind her.

Wait, how did she get in?!

"Skye!" I bolted up in a sitting position, and she finally came into the doorway with furrowed eyebrows.

"Uh, hi?"

"Hello!" I jumped off from the bed, and dashed across the room, far away from Sammy.

Yeah, I could've acted more natural than that.

"You okay?" Skye asked as her eyes scanned the room, "Where's Sammy, and why aren't you guys ready to check out?"

"Because we slept in?" I say, but it comes out in a questioning tone.

Sammy peaked his head from the side of the bed as he rubbed his face with his right hand, "Okay now, that one hurt."

"Sam! What did I tell you about hurting Sammy, it's not nice." Skye started to lecture me as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

I mentally let out a sigh of relief before looking over at Sammy who was now standing up, dusting off his sweatpants.

"It was truly an accident," I replied with a small shrug.

"Yeah, that's what you said before." He was raising his left hand in the air, making me narrow my eyes at him.

Yet, I couldn't stay mad or annoyed with him. At this point, I'm kind of sad Skye walked in. The feelings I just felt with Sammy, I've never felt before.

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