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"We're going camping..." I looked at Skye with wide eyes, and she smiled back innocently.

"Um, you know, Ryan and I figured it would be a fun outing!" Skye replied cheerfully, but she said it more in a question than anything.

"No, what I think is that you two wanted a good place to-" I started but was soon cut off by a knock at Skye's window, making us both turn our heads.

Her eyes lit up once she saw Ryan, and opened the door to hug him. I watched, not knowing what to do or how to feel about this sudden outing.

Skye has always been spontaneous doing shit like this, I just would have never thought I'd be invited on a camping day with her and her potential boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes, and put my sunglasses on to hide the fact I was not in the best of mood to be here and watch Skye and Ryan stick tongues down each other's throats.

Honestly, why couldn't they of gone alone? I would have been completely happy being alone at home.

Okay...maybe that's a lie, and knowing my best friend, that's why she invited me because she hated leaving me out of things, especially alone during the state I've been in for the past year.

I opened my door and walked around the car. "Hey, Ryan!" I greeted, pushing back the feelings of annoyance toward Skye.

"What's up, Sam? Glad we can all hang and have fun tonight. Sammy's grabbing the camping stuff now." Ryan greeted me, but all I heard was the fact Sammy was there.

Which, I was not informed of.

"What, what?"

"Huh? Oh, um, I think we should head to the spot, yeah?" Skye started to panic, grabbing ahold of Ryan's hand.

"What?" Ryan furrowed his eyebrows, "Don't you need to grab your stuff too?"

"Oh, yeah! Sam will get it, right?" Skye started to speak at a faster speed before grabbing Ryan's arm toward the woods.

Ryan's eyes lit up in realization, and nodded along with Skye. "Righhht! Yeah, see you there."

"Wait! I don't even know my way around this place!" I yelled at the two running towards the woods leaving me alone by the two parked cars parked on a gravel road.

"Okay, I got the-" I heard a voice say, and I already knew who it was. My eyes closed in annoyance before turning around to face the one and only Sammy Sandars.

"Wow! Good job, you got the tent?" My voice was laced with sarcasm, making Sammy's face drop.

"I did! Aren't you so proud of me?" He tilted his head to the side, mocking my sarcasm which he received a death glare from me.

"I can't believe I'm even here." I rubbed my head, mumbling to myself.

"Where's Ryan?" Sammy changed the subject once he realized Skye and Ryan were nowhere to be found.

"He left with Skye. Any chance you know where to find the campsite?" I rolled my eyes, throwing the door open of our car to grab the two bags we had brought.

I closed the door behind me once I grabbed the two, almost dropping Skye's bag in the process.

Damn, Skye packs like she's leaving for a month.

"I wish I didn't, but I do," Sammy replied and started to walk in front of me with the supplies for camping. I was hesitant at first but followed anyway as we made it down a deep hill and into the woods.

There was a dirt pathway that led through the trees that toward above us, and all the leaves were now orange and yellow making me feel slightly happy.

The only thing to be heard were our footsteps against the dirt and the crunching noises of leaves rustling beneath our feet.

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