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I fiddle with the keys in my hands as I stand on my front porch. The brisk wind blew past me, making me shiver at the feeling.

The November air was becoming stronger as the weeks went on, and it honestly was starting to feel more like winter every day.

Which I hated. I never dealt with the cold well.

I tried putting the key into the door and moving it around but had no luck. What the hell? Is this the right house?

I flickered my eyes around the medium-sized home that was very much my own and huffed in annoyance before a jiggle of the door on the opposite end opened the door, revealing my Dad in his pajamas.

"Hey honey, having troubles?" He thought it was quite amusing as he started to laugh and I rolled my eyes playfully as I walked inside through the door.

"No, what could you possibly mean?" I joked, slipping off my boots as I closed the door behind me.

"I thought you were a burglar for a second." He added, walking down the narrow hallway to the kitchen. I trailed behind him as the scent of delicious food met my nostrils. I took a deep breath and smiled wide to realize my Mom was making her famous spaghetti once again.

"Oh, I'm so ready for this meal." I sat down at the island, but my heart sank once I caught a glimpse of my Mom at the stove.

Her back was turned, and she had a wine glass right beside her. My eyes stared at the glass for a few moments before locking back onto her.

It's just one glass of wine, it can't hurt, right? She must be stressed out. A bunch of parents love their wine during dinner.

"How was school?" My Mom's voice broke the silence, and I shrugged.

"It was school."

"You always seem to say that." Her soft giggle lit up the room, and I smiled glad she was in the right state of mind. She turned around slightly as she turned the stove off, and started to hand out plates to each of us, "Dinner is ready."

"Thank you, Mom." I flickered my eyes to the plate and grabbed it from her as I stood back up from the stool. Making my way over to the stove, I started to scoop the spaghetti onto my plate, but I couldn't help but feel the tension creeping into the room.

The kitchen always was filled with laughter and chatter, but now it was silent with the fan blowing on the stove, making me wonder why I was feeling this way.

"I think I'm gonna go eat and watch the game." My Dad grabbed his now full plate and headed towards the living room.

My eyes wandered to my Mom who was now clenching her jaw. She picked up her wine glass and took a huge drink of it before setting it down.

What is going on with them?

"Is everything okay?"

"Sam, stay out of it for once." My Mom snapped before taking her plate of food and disappearing through the living room.

"Mom!" I called out, but no response.

I bit back tears forming in my eyes at the sudden change in our family, and plopped down into the seat at the dining table where we always had dinner. Now it was just me tonight, hopefully, this is a one time thing.

Suddenly my phone buzzed on the table, making me glance down at it before doing a double take.

Sammy's name popped up on matched.

Not gonna lie, I've been trying to distance myself from that app. Mainly because I had no idea how to deal with these new feelings I was feeling. Plus the guilt was definitely settling in at this point.

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