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I sat in my car down the street from Sammy's house just in case his parents were home with tears streaming down my cheeks.

Some people would say, it's not that big of a deal, but my parents always hated drinking especially after the death of my brother because that's what took him away from this world.

They would always tell me if I were to ever do it, I'd be grounded for hundreds of years, so seeing my Mom completely out of it tonight, just showed that something else was seriously wrong.

It had to be because of the closing of their cafe, but her lashing out and taking it out on my father and I was so unlike her.

My mind spent in circles for a few moments trying to figure out what was going on, I quickly wiped my eyes before looking at myself in the mirror.

Damn, I should've really thought this through of crying in front of Sammy.

I should've planned the whole thing out in general, but in that moment emotions were so high I had to get out of that house, and with whatever was going on with Sammy and me, I felt at ease being with him now.

I quickly got out of my car and started to walk up the sidewalk as I slung my bag over my shoulder. I carried my phone in my hands as I read Sammy's texts from before.

Sammy: wait what?

Sammy: sam??

Sammy: what the hell is going on? are you okay?

I sighed before responding back.

Sam: is your parents home?

I stood at the end of his driveway now, hoping he'd respond soon which he did.

Sammy: no...?

Sam: I'm here.

I walked up his driveway and was now standing outside of his giant house at the door. I waited patiently as I tapped my foot against the pavement. Maybe this was a bad idea?

I should go home, yeah, I really should.

My emotions were taking over my body, but before I could step foot off the porch, Sammy opened the door revealing himself in the doorway.


Shit, he looked so good. This was going to be harder than I originally planned. He wore a black hoodie along with some gray sweatpants. His brown eyes looked at me as if he was concerned, but curious on why I was at his house on a school night at 10pm.

"I got in a fight with my Mom." I rubbed the side of my arm.

"Wait, what—have you been crying?" Sammy's eyes flickered around my face as he reached his hand out to grab my wrist, pulling me inside his home.

He closed the door behind us as I slowly nodded, but waved my hand in the air.

"It's fine, it's just," I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "Am I worthless?"

There it was, one of the things that bothered me the most about what happened. I was always made fun of in school, so it coming from my parent really hurt even if she was drunk.

"No, why would you think that?" Sammy furrowed his eyebrows together as he took my bag from me.

He motioned in the direction of his room, and I started to follow.

"Because my Mom said I was."

Sammy stopped in his tracks on the steps and quickly turned to face me, "Listen, Sam. Don't listen to that shit. You're quite literally amazing, and that's coming from me."

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