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School is fun, isn't it?


I'm currently about to bang my head against the desk because the English teacher wouldn't stop talking about English. If I could, I would run out of this class. It's definitely the most boring one yet.

"Project time which includes your favorite thing...essays!" The teacher squealed in excitement but the rest of the students just groaned in annoyance. "Guys, don't act too excited now."

I stared at her blankly as she made her joke, waiting for her to pass the papers out about the directions for this essay. I'm ready to get it over with.

"Now, this essay is different. It feels as if we are not as one, and that you all hate each other in this classroom." She spoke, glaring at each student she slapped the sheet down on their desk.

She's really not wrong about that.

"So I'm picking partners randomly and I want you both to type out a paper about the other. I want deep conversations, I want friendships made! This will not be presented, because I want you guys to dig deep on your pasts." She started to speak as if it was a speech and her life depended on it. My eyes blinked a few times as she kept going, unsure when it was going to stop.

I glanced around, not having Skye in here or Ryan. The only people I really knew were Travis and Sammy.

Sammy was surprisingly not sitting beside me today. He's a fucking weirdo who only sits by me to annoy me, but thankfully today, his seat was taken by another girl.

For Travis, he sat a few seats behind me and I tried so hard not to even make eye contact with him. He irks my nerves so badly just by looking at him. Especially after what he pulled the other day.

"I don't want to know the favorite colors of your partner, I want to know who they are even though most of you don't know who are are yet, and that's completely okay." She continued to ramble on with her speech, and for a moment I felt like she was the school counselor.

She placed a paper on my desk, and I started to read it with a few questions she wanted answered and wrote about your partner along with how many pages she wanted.

4 pages?!

She must be crazy, but I already knew that.

"Alright my rays of sunshine," She clasped her hands together at the front of the class and I shudder in disgust at her lame nickname for us, "Let's start the pairings."

She brought out another paper and started reading names at a time to be a pair. A lot of them were random, by what she says. I'm sure she hand-picked most of these names.

That was until my name was called along with the one person I hated most.

Sammy Sandars.

I closed my eyes with a long sigh as my eyes glanced over to Sammy who looked annoyed until his eyes connected with mine. He switched his expression from annoyance to a wide smile of satisfaction.

Him knowing I was annoyed by this pairing was all that he needed.

I wanted to so desperately ask for a different pairing but I knew that wasn't going to happen with everyone paired up now.

I ran my hands through my hair, bringing my eyes back onto the teacher who continued to ramble on about how it was due this Friday right before the Halloween Dance.

Finally, class ended as the bell rang. Students started to get up and leave as the teacher yelled at everyone not to forget because it was a huge part of our grade.

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