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"What the hell? No, go find some revealing clothes in your closet." Skye directed her finger to my closet.

Little does she know, I don't own much of that.

"What? My knee-length skirt from freshman year?" I reply sarcastically, making Skye let out a long-awaited sigh.

"I didn't know this was going to be so hard." She was now standing in front of my closet as she was in thought of what to pick. Her hands went through each clothing piece on the hangers.

"You can take me shopping." I plopped down on my bed with a grin, and I watched as she shook her head visibly.

"Nice try." She grabbed a skirt from my closet along with a shirt. She turned around and she threw each piece on my bed next to me.

My eyes wandered over the pieces, surprised I even owned such items.

"Where did these come from?"

"Your closet." She locked eyes with me, and I just gave her a blank stare at her obvious reply. "Now try them on." She demanded as she left the room, and made her way into the bathroom.

I look down at the two pieces. The top was a red top with sparkles scattered across it. It was long-sleeved, and lace ran down the sides of it. The skirt was a black leather skirt, and I was hoping it wouldn't be too short where I would have to pull on it all night long.

Ignoring my thoughts, I tried it on anyway. I brushed down the skirt as I stood in the frame of my mirror that was hanging above my dresser. The white lights I had dangling along my mirror made me feel that more prettier in the skirt. I turned the side as I made sure it wasn't too short, but suddenly Skye barged through my bedroom door making me snap my head in her direction.

"Okay, got my makeup and curling iron for you." She stopped in her tracks with her eyes growing in size, "Well damn, you look hot."

I smiled as I looked back in the mirror. I let my hair down from my ponytail, letting my red hair fall past my shoulders. It was naturally wavy, but I secretly hated my hair. It being red, everyone labeled me as a ginger and I hated the wording.

"Thank you, not bad yourself best friend," I reply, glancing in the mirror to look back at Skye who was wearing a dark blue dress. It was plain but it was her, and very short. She made sure to use multiple necklaces and bracelets to glam it up.

"Huh, I actually like your hair like that." She threw the curling iron on the bed as she walked up behind me.

"Just down?" I raised a brow, and she nodded at my question.

"Yeah, now turn around so I can do your makeup." She demanded, which I did so.

After about 35 minutes of us arguing about how natural we wanted it, we finally agreed on the makeup look being not too bold. Since it wasn't me, but she went bold makeup with a red lip.

Don't get me wrong, she looked beautiful but I could never wear and do such things as she could.

Finally, we were in her car with the music blasting Taylor Swift.

I felt a buzz from my lap signaling a message on my phone, surprised it was Sammy.

Sammy: howdy eviee

I rolled my eyes at his wording before replying right away.

Eviee: You're a cowboy now, huh?

Sammy: yeah, have a problem with that?

Eviee: Yep, I'm deleting you off this app right now

Sammy: aw don't go that far now

I was about to reply before we came to a screeching halt, slamming me against my seatbelt. I jolt my head at Skye who looked at me sheepishly.

"Sorry, the breaks are a little touchy."

"A little?!" I glanced out the window but was soon met with a giant house realizing we were at the party.

"Oh shoot, we're here!" I threw the door open to be met with multiple cars in the drive and down the street. The music was already to be heard from the outside, and I could already smell the scents of smoke from people who were smoking outside.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust as I shut the door behind me with Skye now following me up the sidewalk. Skye's heels tapped against the pavement, but for me, I chose some cute black boots that fit my whole vibe. I was never really s heel girl, and Skye hated that she couldn't dress me up in heels.

Eviee: Ugh Fine, I guess I can spare you the unmatched button for now

I reply real quick before the door is opened by Ryan, making his eyes grow for a quick moment before going back to normal size. He really liked what Skye was wearing.

I only knew because he couldn't keep his eyes above the equator.

"Hey ladies, come on in. Party is downstairs." He opened the door wider, inviting us inside and only a few people were sitting in the living room, laughing away. They didn't even notice that we'd walked inside. The music started to get louder as we walked down the hall that led to the stairwell.

We made our way down to the basement and were soon met with multiple teenagers lounging on couches, and surrounding the table that was filled with alcohol. I ran my hands down my skirt, flattening it before being knocked into by some random guy.

I dart my eyes over at the random guy, and he still had no idea due to him playing beer pong with other people from school.

I threw a dirty look in his direction and looked back over at Skye who's eyes filled with excitement.

"Want a drink?" Ryan leaned in closer to us as he talked over the music, and Skye nodded quickly at his question.

He nodded his head over at the table in the corner where teens were grabbing red solo cups, and we followed him to the table.

My eyes were soon met with Sammy who was standing around the table with a red solo cup in his hand. His brown hair was brushed back lazily as he was laughing with some other guy until he realized I was approaching.

"What the hell?" His eyes grew before his eyebrows soon scrunched together, confused.

"What?" I snapped back, reaching for a cup to pour alcohol in.

To be honest, I had no idea what alcohol was good. I just wanted to prove that I could party with everyone else.

"Here try this." Skye leaned over to me as she pushed a cup to me already filled with alcohol. I smiled at her before handing her my empty cup and taking the filled one from her.

I gave her a thanking look before moving my attention back to Sammy who looked shocked, to say the least, his eyes flickered all around my outfit and I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Wow Sammy, at least try hiding the fact you're checking me out."

"Okay now, don't flatter yourself. The day I check you out, please get me to a doctor right away." He scoffed with an eye roll.

Not going to lie, that stung a little. Not because I wanted Sammy to think I was pretty, but because I was already insecure as it was about my looks.

"Okay, what's your doctor's information? I need it for tonight." I tilted my head to the side and watched his facial expression fall slowly.

"Why are you even here? Have you even drunk before?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest, and I mimicked his actions.

"Actually, yes. Yes, I have." I lied, holding the red solo cup in my hand.

"You sure?"


"Okay, let's do a game of beer pong." He raised his cup toward me, and my eyes fell onto it with furrowed eyebrows.

"Wait what?"

"Cheers to a game of beer pong." He nodded toward his cup, and I slowly raised mine to his to clink them together.

"You're going down Sandars."

We both threw the drink back with the hot liquid trailing down my throat as a burning sensation. I scrunched my nose up in disgust, trying to act as normal as I could but my facial expression gave him all he wanted.

He knew what he was doing.

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